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Everything posted by oldDunk

  1. @OSUblake: it works, thank you!
  2. hi! @OSUblake:  I found that 'bounds' in draggable dose not work, how can I fix it! thank you!
  3. Hi! @OSUblake Thank you for your helps. I had make it, this what I want. I really don't understand what dose gsap.set mean for gsap.set(target, { x, y }); How can I get the information of it ? I am really a newbie for vue and gsap, I hope I can learn more from green sock. by the way I had forgotten my thanks to @Cassie https://codepen.io/olddunk/pen/RzqMEq?editors=0011
  4. I see. Now I get into new trouble, I want to draw the line decided by the two points(control points). After adding the drawLine function be the callback for onDragEnd in Draggable.create, the snapping get strange and I can not get the real coordinates for the two control points, so I have the wrong line. https://codepen.io/olddunk/pen/RzqMEq?editors=1011
  5. Thank you for your help, it's so silly! I'm just a mathematical teacher from Taiwan who want to do some teaching tutorial online for children and a beginner for javascript.
  6. Snap can't work for svg tag in my project too! https://codepen.io/olddunk/pen/RzqMEq
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