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Beverly Tang

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Everything posted by Beverly Tang

  1. @elegantseagulls Yes, the height would need to change too. I actually didn't know viewBox was responsive so thank you for that tip! @GreenSock Thank you for this solution! It is exactly what I was trying to do.
  2. I'm trying to make a background morph into an svg shape by starting with a rect and converting that to a path with MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath('rect'). However, I'm initially setting the rect size based on the page size (to look like a background color). How would I make this responsive to page resize? After the rect is converted to a path, I tried creating a new rect but morphSVG doesn't work with the newly replaced path. Is there a way to make this work? (this is a scrolling animation) Update: When I repeat the timeline action after the resize, it'll sort of work but the morphing is not smooth.
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