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GreenSock last won the day on June 2

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Blog Post Comments posted by GreenSock

  1. 14 hours ago, Alexander Verbeeck said:

    Is there any documentation on how to implement ScrollSmoother with a react Framework?

    Not specifically, no, but plenty of people have done it. I'm not much of a React person, but it should be as simple as calling ScrollTrigger.create({...}), saving the instance in a variable, and then in your cleanup function call .kill() on it. 

  2. Yes, ScrollSmoother is built on TOP of ScrollTrigger and it lets you apply smooth scrolling and automatic parallax and lag effects very conveniently. ScrollTrigger does MANY things related to scrolling (triggering animations at certain spots, scrubbing them, pinning, etc.). Both tools are integrated, making them easy to work with. I would recommend reading the docs and watching the videos to understand better. 

  3. 7 hours ago, jesperstarkar said:

    This is now a few years old. I don't know if you are following how WAA is developing, but as a general question, do you see that things are changing and the topic of starting using WAA in GSAP could/would make sense at some point?

    I'm not aware of any significant changes that'd make WAAPI fit for use under the hood in GSAP, no. As far as I know, there are still quite a few deficiencies that just make it impossible. Perhaps that'll change one day. Thanks for asking, @jesperstarkar. Happy tweening!

  4. Just now, MarkTrujillo said:

    Does the Muse Motion 2 widget/addon have the same features listed here available? 

    I'm not sure - you'd have to contact the author. Muse Motion is not a GreenSock project, but I believe they do use GSAP under the hood for animation. ? I'm not sure which version they use. 

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  5. On 10/16/2019 at 6:28 AM, nolafs said:

    I need to install the bonus packages with yarn. Npm seems to work but yarn, it just hangs. Any idea how I can resolve this?

    Hm, sounds like maybe a yarn problem, @nolafs - I'm not quite sure what to tell you. Did you try yarn cache clean dep ? Did you make sure you have a "./" on the front of the path? I read that yarn can have a problem with local dependencies. You could also try something like yarn add ./gsap-bonus.tgz

  6. @expint2006, that's correct - since Adobe Animate exports to canvas, those plugins wouldn't be useful. It's kinda like trying to apply font-size to text inside a JPEG image. MorphSVGPlugin and DrawSVGPlugin both animate SVG shapes; they can't target a bunch of pixels in a canvas. It's a fundamentally different technology. ScrambleTextPlugin works with DOM elements that contain real text, so it won't be relevant either. If there's enough demand, perhaps we'll create special plugins specifically for Adobe Animate that might accomplish similar feats.
  7. @expint2006, that's correct - since Adobe Animate exports to canvas, those plugins wouldn't be useful. It's kinda like trying to apply font-size to text inside a JPEG image. MorphSVGPlugin and DrawSVGPlugin both animate SVG shapes; they can't target a bunch of pixels in a canvas. It's a fundamentally different technology. ScrambleTextPlugin works with DOM elements that contain real text, so it won't be relevant either. If there's enough demand, perhaps we'll create special plugins specifically for Adobe Animate that might accomplish similar feats.
  8. @zync, you control the amount of stagger using the stagger parameter. You cannot alter that with a dynamic function if that's what you meant. And these changes are for HTML5/JS only. Demand for the Flash version is tiny now that browsers are phasing Flash out, so all of our attention is on the HTML5/JS toolset at this point.
  9. @zync, you control the amount of stagger using the stagger parameter. You cannot alter that with a dynamic function if that's what you meant. And these changes are for HTML5/JS only. Demand for the Flash version is tiny now that browsers are phasing Flash out, so all of our attention is on the HTML5/JS toolset at this point.
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