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Learn about our licensing options to find which best fits your needs.

Licensing Options

GreenSock’s standard "No Charge" license is very permissive (it even covers most commercial uses), but "Business Green" members get a comprehensive commercial license plus time-saving bonus plugins and tools. Why isn't GreenSock MIT-licensed? Find out here.


Most developers find that GSAP’s workflow features alone save them so much time that the license pays for itself literally in a matter of days. After factoring in the bonus plugins and the performance boost, the expense quickly turns into profit.

Business License

Our paid license is only necessary in projects that you sell to multiple end users. That's it. Even if you charge your client a million dollars for whatever you create for them, it's fine to use GreenSock tools under the standard license as long as it's a one-off project.

Enterprise Level

We realize that some legal departments can be quite picky and enterprise institutions have a unique set of needs, so if our standard "BusinessGreen" license isn't quite what you need, check out our Enterprise Licensing page.

What's Covered?

License Standard Business

Usage in 100% free apps, games, sites, and other software even if you charge a fee to develop these products

This includes advertising, internal sites and tools, promotional web sites, free software, and pretty much everything that isn't sold to multiple end users.

Distribution of GreenSock files as a part of your Work Product

Even in open source projects, as long as you leave the source files unedited and recognize that the GreenSock files are subject to their own license. Only BusinessGreen members can distribute the members-only bonus plugins (like ThrowPropsPlugin), and solely to be used as a part of their Work Product.
Usage in web sites or products that require a fee to use or join (NetFlix.com, Ancestry.com, eHarmony.com, etc.)
Usage in games or products that are sold to multiple end users

Usage in games or other apps that use micro-transactions for optional features/upgrades

An example of a micro-transaction is when a user can optionally pay to unlock a certain feature in a free game/app, or a gambling site where the user can technically visit for free, but they may choose to pay to place bets or play games.

Usage of members-only tools like ThrowPropsPlugin, Physics2DPlugin, etc.

One of the nice things about becoming a member is that you gain access to some useful tools that create eye-catching effects, smooth your workflow, and generally save a lot of time and hassle. See the Club GreenSock page for details.


GreenSock's dual licensing model keeps it extremely accessible and completely free for the vast majority of use cases while at the same time providing a small funding mechanism that sustains ongoing support, innovation, and sustainability. The web is littered with abandoned "open source" projects, but GreenSock has a years-long track record of commitment to the platform. Some of the largest companies in the world trust GreenSock tools in their business-critical applications every day. Learn about the "why" behind the GreenSock license here.

Get Covered
Go BusinessGreen

For individuals and businesses who want everything including a special commercial license.

Sign up now

Not sure which membership to choose? .

How many developers will work with GreenSock tools?

Are multiple customers charged a fee to use or access your GreenSock-powered site/product?
(including micro transactions for optional features)

Do you want any Club GreenSock plugins that give you special animation powers like morphing, etc.?

Do you want MorphSVG, InertiaPlugin, SplitText, MotionPathHelper, or GSDevTools?

No membership required!

Looks like you're covered by the standard no-charge license. Yay! When you're ready to take your animations to the next level, join Club GreenSock to gain access to the time-saving bonus plugins. Until then, happy tweening!

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Best fit: Simply Green

Includes access to DrawSVG, Physics2D, PhysicsProps, ScrambleText, CustomBounce, and CustomWiggle for one developer. Use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects that don't require the commercial license. See our licensing page for details.

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Best fit: Shockingly Green

Includes access to all of the bonus plugins for one developer! Use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects that don't require the commercial license. See our licensing page for details.

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Best fit: Business Green

A Single Developer Business Green membership includes access to all of the bonus plugins and a commercial license for one developer to use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects while the license is active.

The commercial license fully covers your unedited Work Products even after being sold/resold! No need to register each project or user. Just please keep your license active until you stop collecting fees related to the GreenSock-powered site/product(s). If your customer needs to edit your Work Product, they should get their own license. See our licensing page for details.

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Best fit: Business Green

A multi-developer Business Green membership includes access to all of the bonus plugins and a commercial license for however many developers you sign up for to use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects while the license is active.

The commercial license fully covers your unedited Work Products even after being sold/resold! No need to register each project or user. Just please keep your license active until you stop collecting fees related to the GreenSock-powered site/product(s). If your customer needs to edit your Work Product, they should get their own license. See our licensing page for details.

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Best fit: Enterprise License

An Enterprise license gets you stronger warranties, indemification, condientiality, and it permits some customization of the licensing terms. Please contact us for pricing.

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Do I need to worry about garabage collection in the JavaScript version of GSAP? What happens when a tween finishes?

No need to worry. Tweens and timelines are automatically made eligible for garbage collection (gc) when appropriate (typically when they finish but if you maintain a reference to an instance so that you can restart it later, for example, it won’t be gc’d out from under you). Basically the system manages gc for you and generally cleans up after itself.

If I get an annual membership, can I upgrade to a permanent one later?

Sure. You can upgrade directly from within your GreenSock account anytime. Contact us if you need help.

How do I get a license?

Just sign up for a “Business Green” Club GreenSock membership at the level that corresponds to the number of developers in your organization. That’s it!

When determining the appropriate membership level, do I need to include only full-time developers? What if my company doesn’t have any?

You must include all freelancers, consultants, subcontractors, etc. in addition to full-time developers.

Does Draggable have any dependencies?

The only dependency is on GreenSock's core. There are no dependencies on jQuery or any other libraries, although they work great together.

Can I distribute GreenSock files as a part of my Work Product?

Yes, as long as the source files are unaltered (including copyright notices therein). Your customer may use GreenSock tools (including bonus plugins/classes you got with your membership) only as a part of your Work Product. However, if your customer wants to use the GreenSock tools outside of your Work Product (or make customizations to your Work Product) to resell to their customers, they would need to get their own "Business Green" Club GreenSock membership to cover their usage. If your Work Product is given away freely and you're not distributing members-only plugins, you're golden...er, green...er, fine.

Can I try the bonus plugins before I buy?

Absolutely! We would love for you to see for yourself how powerful and helpful these tools are. We created a starter template and video to show you how to use fully-functional trial versions of Club GreenSock plugins on CodePen.

Why not give the code away for free?

We firmly believe this licensing model ultimately delivers a superior end product and serves the community better. Open source projects with no funding mechanism typically stagnate and become obsolete. Our goal with this licensing model is to keep the tools extremely accessible while putting in place a mechanism that funds continued support, innovation, and bug fixes. Read The "Why" Behind the GreenSock License for details.
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