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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2024 in all areas

  1. GSAP is highly optimised and will get it's initial values on page load, but because you tween the same element twice they both get the same starting position and because you want the second (ScrollTrigger) animation to wait for the first one to end you have to tell it to that tween some how. Luckily GSAP has you covered with immediateRender: false, if you put that on the second tween everything works as expected. Hope it helps and happy tweening! https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-cgdvlq?file=components%2FBanner.tsx
    3 points
  2. Hi @spotipre welcome to the forum! The angled black part you can do with a clip-path animation, see simple demo below https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/MWLxyPp And the weird image effect you can probably do with something like Pixi.js. Keep in mind that this question is kinda outside of the scope of these forums, we like to focus on GSAP specific questions, so if you still need help be sure to post a minimal demo focused on an issue with one of the GSAP tools. Hope it helps and happy tweening! https://pixijs.com
    2 points
  3. Yeah, that definitely seems like a Firefox rendering bug, totally unrelated to GSAP. My guess is that the renderer needs time to create the raster image for each SVG image. It likely ignores them completely (skips creating the raster) initially because they are display: none. But once it flips to display: block once, that raster image gets created and cached by Firefox, thus it can show it faster next time. Maybe try setting ALL of the images to display: block initially, just for 1 tick maybe so that the browser gets them all rasterized/cached. Rodrigo's suggestion to go with canvas is very good too.
    1 point
  4. Many Thanks, @mvaneijgen Though it is a little fast now I think I can manage to fix that myself Thank you very much for answering my doubts. Have a good day!
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately it's just not feasible to make ScrollToPlugin accommodate that automatically. There's no way it could understand which elements are affected by which ScrollTriggers. It's essential that you, as the builder of the page, provide that information. But here's a helper function you could try - it lets you create several lookups that get added together into one big lookup. Splitting them up like this allows you to segregate elements according to whether or not they're in a containerAnimation and/or pinnedContainer: function getScrollLookup(targets, {start, pinnedContainer, containerAnimation}) { targets = gsap.utils.toArray(targets); let initted, triggers = targets.map((el, i) => ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: el, start: start || "top top", pinnedContainer: pinnedContainer, refreshPriority: -10, onRefresh(self) { if (initted && Math.abs(self.start) > 999999) { triggers[i].kill(); triggers[i] = ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: el, start: start || "start start", pinnedContainer: pinnedContainer, refreshPriority: -10, }); } }, containerAnimation: containerAnimation })), st = containerAnimation && containerAnimation.scrollTrigger, lookups = [], lookup = target => { let t = gsap.utils.toArray(target)[0], i = targets.indexOf(t); if (i < 0) { for (i = 0; i < lookups.length; i++) { if (lookups[i].targets.indexOf(t) !== -1) { return lookups[i](t); } } return console.warn("target not found", target); } return triggers[i].vars.containerAnimation ? st.start + (triggers[i].start / containerAnimation.duration()) * (st.end - st.start) : triggers[i].start; }; lookup.targets = targets; lookup.add = (targets, config) => { lookups.push(getScrollLookup(targets, config)); return lookup; }; initted = true; return lookup; } So you'd use it like: let lookup = getScrollLookup("section.project", { containerAnimation: tween, pinnedContainer: el }); lookup.add("section.other", {}); // no containerAnimation or pinnedContainer lookup.add("section.pinned", {pinnedContainer: el}); // just a pinned container // then later... let position = lookup(".any-of-the-above-elements"); Hopefully that helps.
    1 point
  6. I use scrolltrigger and observer for an animation in my website, for mobile it created a problem of not pinning accurately so I used normalizescroll. It does work great but, when I scroll, it scrolls really fast. is there any solution for it?
    1 point
  7. Hi @stectix, Sorry to hear about the troubles. Based on your latest posts I assume that you're trying to deploy a Next app on Vercel using Yarn? Correct me if I'm wrong about this assumption. I created a new Next app using Yarn and successfully installed the bonus package. Here is the repo: https://github.com/rhernandog/next-gsap-bonus-yarn-vercel Here is the live preview on Vercel (you can inspect the console in devtools to check the version of a bonus plugin): https://next-gsap-bonus-yarn-vercel.vercel.app/ I installed using the shockingly package since the plugins are the same: yarn add gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly Is important in this case to install the @gsap/react package before installing the bonus plugins to avoid any issues with Yarn/NPM asking for the token as well. Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
    1 point
  8. Thanks I was stuck on doing it with gsap.from and this is simpler 😅 Sometimes you are so deep into something and you don't see that the solution is simpler
    1 point
  9. Are you sure you've updated your pen? It is always best to relink the pen or even fork, so that in the thread we can see the progress of the current version of that time. To me it seems like you've removed the functions from the parameters, this is importent, because it indicates to GSAP that is can recalculate the values, if you leave this out you tell GSAP get the value once and never update it! // From height: gsap.utils.random(10, 100, true), // Is already a function width: gsap.utils.random(0, 100) + "%", // not a fucntion // To height: () => gsap.utils.random(10, 100, true), // Better save and also convert it to a function width: () => gsap.utils.random(0, 100) + "%", // Convert to function Hope it helps and happy tweening! https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/XWQOGpa?editors=0010
    1 point
  10. Thanks for your detailed answer buddy. You have done a very good job so far. Carry on!
    1 point
  11. @gaggo I believe this problem is caused by the pnpm not handling package name aliases properly. Unfortunately this problem is a bug in pnpm at the moment. I'll try to find a workaround, will comment here if successful.
    1 point
  12. Very sorry about that, @stijlmassi and @grizhlie, but Lenis is a completely different type of solution. Both ScrollSmoother and Lenis have pros and cons to their approaches. Our original goal was to leverage native scroll technology (no scrolljacking, just let the user drag the scrollbar wherever they want but have the content smoothly "catch up"). This means that EVERY way of scrolling gets smoothed (drag the scrollbar, press the arrow or spacebar keys, etc.) whereas I think Lenis is more about intercepting mouse wheel events, preventing them, and basically creating a tween of sorts that updates the scrollTop/scrollLeft value. But it won't smooth if you scroll in other ways, as mentioned earlier. And of course ScrollSmoother has a bunch of extra features like lag and speed effects, etc. I'm not criticizing Lenis at all - if it suits your needs, fantastic. Use it. Works great with GSAP/ScrollTrigger. But the fundamental nature of HOW things get scrolled is completely and radically different in ScrollSmoother. It's simply not possible, as far as I know, to completely solve the issues you mentioned while at the same time smoothing all of those inputs across the board and avoid scrolljacking. In a future major release, we very well may opt for a totally different approach but for now it's not really feasible (as far as I know) to "fix" what you mentioned because Safari is just absolutely terrible with various scroll-related bugs. We've spent many hundreds of hours trying to come up with the silver bullet workaround and the response we got from the Safari team was basically "nope, it's impossible". We'll definitely continue to look for ways to improve things in the coming months. If anyone has specific suggestions, we're all ears.
    1 point
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