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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi @Gubbels, Welcome to the GreenSock Forum. Here are a few tips in addition to the good advice from @Sahil. You can build both animations in a TimelineMax and position both with a gap, starting same time or with an overlap (more info here). You can use autoAlpha in the aspect opacity . autoAlpha: Identical to opacity except that when the value hits 0 the visibility property will be set to "hidden" in order to improve browser rendering performance and prevent clicks/interactivity on the target. When the value is anything other than 0, visibility will be set to "inherit". It is not set to "visible" in order to honor inheritance (imagine the parent element is hidden - setting the child to visible explicitly would cause it to appear when that's probably not what was intended). And for convenience, if the element's visibility is initially set to "hidden" and opacity is 1, it will assume opacity should also start at 0. This makes it simple to start things out on your page as invisible (set your css visibility:hidden) and then fade them in whenever you want. Instead of fromTo simply from (= defining the starting values), if the final properties are defined in css - for example css: font-size: 32px; and scale: 0.4. Happy tweening ... Mikel
    3 points
  2. That's really well written actually. To set delay before text fades out again, you can set repeatDelay property. You are setting delay in both from and to values but it will ignore delay in 'from' values. On codepen you don't have to write entire HTML, you can add your scripts from settings and just write HTML body in codepen, rest is not needed.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. From your code, I don't know what you're after. Please create a Code Pen to isolate your issue and I can help you further. At a quick glance (and with some assumptions), I would think you're looking for const timeline = new TimelineMax() timeline .from(el, 0.850, { opacity: 0, // Only opacity here with the following ease ease:Elastic.easeOut, onComplete: () => { done() }, 'someLabel' // Create the label for the Timeline position and set position }) .from(el, 0.850, { y: 50, // // Only y here with the following ease ease: SOME-OTHER-EASE, onComplete: () => { done() }, 'someLabel' // Set position (to label created above) }) .staggerFrom(this.$refs['fullscreen-nav-menu-item'], 1, { y: 50, opacity: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, }, 0.05, "-=0.8")
    2 points
  5. You could tween each separately and place them at the same timeline position
    2 points
  6. Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums, If your intent is to kill all your animations at once, please see TweenMax.killAll() https://greensock.com/docs/TweenMax/static.killAll() To track individual tweens, yes you can assign them to a variable or push them into an Array. var myTween = TweenMax.to(something, 1, {x:100}); //and then you can kill or control that animation using common methods such as myTween.restart(); myTween.pause(); myTween.reverse(); myTween.kill(); someArray.push(myTween) Also you can grab all tweens and put them in a timeline that you can then control or kill as a group using TimelineLite.exportRoot() https://greensock.com/docs/TimelineLite/static.exportRoot() That's a fairly advanced concept and may not be super easy to grasp for beginners. Definitely crack open the TweenMax docs and explore the methods in the left-hand nav. Its a great way to get an overview of the capabilities of the platform https://greensock.com/docs/TweenMax/TweenMax() and find some stuff you may not know was possible. Don't worry about understanding everything the first time through. Just good to have some mental notes that you can follow up on later.
    2 points
  7. Hi. This is my first time using Greensock, also I'm a beginner in javascript. I don't know if my code is beautiful or not, and I ask you to not pay too much attention to that aspect (or maybe you should, that'd help me) Basically, everything is working as I want it to, there's just one minor change I want: Before the text fades out again, I want there to be a delay again. I don't know how or where to put that delay in. All suggestions are welcome : )
    2 points
  8. Hi @Sahil, It's really fun to play with your 'toy'. Since the master is not a 'normal' timeline, an overlap of tweens (before, behind) with the move timeline is not feasible (pause is pause!). But I found a way to integrate action during the move. The learning curve is increasing. Thanks a million - I'm busy ... Best regards Mikel @Carl: EGON is running fast now - according to the order from the director.
    2 points
  9. Thanks, this is exactly what I need!
    1 point
  10. Thanks for the demo, but unless your issue is related to React it's really best not to provide something that complex with multiple files, dependencies, code for components and all that. A simple demo will be just fine and helps us better focus on the issue without getting hung up on all the unnecessary overhead. I tried looking at your demo but it wasn't immediately clear how your verticalHandler function was supposed to be invoked. I didn't see a button for that in the UI or any code that called it. That aside, the following demo should meet your requirements as you described:
    1 point
  11. Hi iLuvGreenSock, Sorry, but pasting some css styles into your response does nothing to get us closer to understanding why you think an onComplete is firing early. As Sahil noted it is virtually impossible for an onComplete to fire before its scheduled time. I've also increased the tween duration to 3s and onComplete gets fired 3s while tween started slowly and ends another 3s later. Please provide a demo that clearly illustrates this issue and we will do our best to explain what is happening and offer a solution.
    1 point
  12. With all that I forgot to implement main effect of revealing text. https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-multiple-elements-pvnr8v?file=multiple-elements.js
    1 point
  13. Sahil, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you for explaining everything and providing examples. I have just started to scratch the surface of what GSAP can do but this definitely points me in the right direction. Cheers!
    1 point
  14. Well @Sahil is spot on (that's why He is a superstar around here ). The only thing I'd change is using the ref callback instead of reaching to the DOM directly. So instead of this: componentDidMount(){ const loaderContainer = document.querySelector("#loader-container"); const loader = document.querySelector("#loader"); this.tl .to(loader, 1, { y: -250, delay: 0.3 }) .to(loaderContainer, 0.2, { alpha: 0, display: "none" }; } I would create a reference in the constructor: constructor(props){ super(props); this.loaderContainer = null; this.loader = null; } Then in the render method use the ref callback: render(){ return <div> <div ref={ e => this.loaderContainer = e }> <div ref={ e => this.loader = e }> </div> </div </div>; } Finally in the component did mount method: componentDidMount(){ this.tl .to(this.loader, 1, { y: -250, delay: 0.3 }) .to(this.loaderContainer, 0.2, { alpha: 0, display: "none" }; } But beyond that small detail just do what @Sahil is doing and you'll be fine. Happy Tweening!!
    1 point
  15. Yes but you probably don't need to if you can structure your columns differently. In following demo I am animating containers so you won't have to write same tweens again and again to achieve that effect, or use a loop? Would be a lot easy for you to edit in future. Also, if you want to translate element in percentage then you can instead use yPercent. That's because your columns animate within a second but your quotes animate over six seconds. So when you scroll, all slides animate first then rest of quote tweens start playing because one's duration is 1 second and another's is 6. You can either construct your timelines with same duration or explicitly set one timeline's duration to another.
    1 point
  16. Ya of course, it just boils down to your knowledge and understanding of framework or library. I am not familiar with react but I wanted to give it a try. I followed @Rodrigo's same blog post that I had advised you to follow in previous thread. Following is the fork of one of his demos. As you can see, it can be reduced to very little code, you can add more conditional logic to change colors etc. https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-multiple-elements-5aqhzy?file=multiple-elements.js Though there might be certain things that Rodrigo will do differently because this is very first time I am working with React but basically you need to start learning from resources we provide, almost everything is possible just depends on how you implement.
    1 point
  17. Holy cow, you put that out fast! That's exactly what I was looking for... you are the master. That whole bottom section under // Animate it is what ruined me. What you did is perfect and even seems to be smoother (though maybe my eyes are playing tricks). Thank you so much! And I agree, the structure of most Codrops stuff is a bit off. They do things in a very curious manner.
    1 point
  18. Sure, GSAP can do everything anime can do plus a lot more. And GSAP is faster too. It looks like the demo you provided leverages some other helper classes pretty heavily, and anime was only used for small portions. Here's a fork where I swapped in GSAP for the anime code: The structure of things seemed a bit convoluted so I may have missed something, but it appears to work just fine with my edits. Is that what you were looking for?
    1 point
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