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Simple tween delay or chain

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Go to solution Solved by Carl,

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi there


I'm using tweenlite for a few simple UI elements and am trying to chain two animations together. I have tried using the delay parameter but this only seems to work sporadically and Timeline seems like it would be overkill. Example below




The first animation occurs when clicking the 'i' icon (top right of page) which animates an off canvas panel ($copyContainer) in and the second, the reduced opcaity of the fullscreen image container ($rsContent) - which i want to run after the panel has animation has finished. 


It seems to work fine on first go when animating in, but when going in reverse it can get a little janky so i'm wondering how to improve this.


I can put something on codepen if needs be. Just thought i'd see if there is anything obviously lacking first incase my syntax is wrong since i get a console message of 'invalid delay tween value: 0.5 '


My code is below:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

          (function animateInOutCopy() {

              var $openCopy        =   $('.openContent'),
                  $closeCopy       =   $('.closeContent'),
                  $copyContainer   =   $('#copyContainer'),
                  $rsContent       =   $('.rsContent');

              $openCopy.click(function(e) {
                      // slide copy in
                      TweenLite.to($copyContainer, 0.4, {css: {right:"0%"}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
                      TweenLite.to($rsContent, 0.4, {css: {opacity:"0.10", delay:0.5}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
                      console.log("Copy Inview");


              $closeCopy.click(function(e) {

                      // slide copy out
                      TweenLite.to($copyContainer, 0.4, {css: {right:"-50%"}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
                      TweenLite.to($rsContent, 0.4, {css: {opacity:"1", delay:0.5}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
                      console.log("Copy Hidden");




Many thanks for any and all help or suggestions



  • Solution

Simple syntax error. You are nesting delay in the css object.



TweenLite.to($rsContent, 0.4, {css: {opacity:"0.10", delay:0.5}, ease:Power2.easeOut});


TweenLite.to($rsContent, 0.4, {css: {opacity:"0.10"}, delay:0.5, ease:Power2.easeOut});

FWIW you really don't need the CSS object at all. If the target of your tween is a DOM element and you are tweening css properties, that object gets created automatically behind the scenes.


You can just do:

TweenLite.to($rsContent, 0.4, {opacity:"0.10", delay:0.5, ease:Power2.easeOut});



More info on the CSS object read the intro to the CSSPlugin docs: http://api.greensock.com/js/com/greensock/plugins/CSSPlugin.html


More basic demos: http://codepen.io/collection/ifybJ/

  • Like 1

Thank you Carl!


Works much better now 

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