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I'm creating this xml file using PHP. When I setup php to echo the follow. Her is my issue.
This doesnt work:
<LoaderMax name="queue" prependURLs="Images/" childrenVars="width:700,height:630,scaleMode:proportionalInside" alpha="0" load="true">
<ImageLoader name="Company Logo" url="Bed_bath_and_Beyond.png" estimatedBytes="31641" width="750" height="275"/>
<ImageLoader name="Image" url="T-shirt.jpg" estimatedBytes="8611" Item_Id="1" Title="Men T-Shirts" Quick_Desc="Starting at $14.99 each..." Savings_amt="65% off"/>
<ImageLoader name="Image" url="T-shirt.jpg" estimatedBytes="8611" Item_Id="3" Title="Women T-Shirts" Quick_Desc="Starting at $30.11 each..." Savings_amt="20% off"/>
--- onChildComplete:imageCompleteHandler


public function imageCompleteHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void
var loadedImage:ContentDisplay = event.target.content as ContentDisplay;
//you must manually add the loadedImage to the display list
TweenLite.to(loadedImage, 1, {alpha:1});


What is being traced:

[object ContentDisplay]
[object ContentDisplay]
[object ContentDisplay]
[object ContentDisplay],[object ContentDisplay],[object ContentDisplay]


I only have 3 images so I understand this:
[object ContentDisplay]
[object ContentDisplay]
[object ContentDisplay]
Why am I getting this:
[object ContentDisplay],[object ContentDisplay],[object ContentDisplay]



This works:

<ImageLoader name="Company Logo" url="Images/Bed_bath_and_Beyond.png" estimatedBytes="31641" width="750" height="275" scaleMode="proportionalInside" alpha="0" load="true"/>
<ImageLoader name="Image" url="Images/T-shirt.jpg" estimatedBytes="8611" Item_Id="1" Title="Men T-Shirts" Quick_Desc="Starting at $14.99 each..." Savings_amt="65% off" width="700" height="630" scaleMode="proportionalInside" alpha="0"load="true"/>
<ImageLoader name="Image" url="Images/T-shirt.jpg" estimatedBytes="8611" Item_Id="3" Title="Women T-Shirts" Quick_Desc="Starting at $30.11 each..." Savings_amt="20% off" width="700" height="630" scaleMode="proportionalInside" alpha="0"load="true"/>
Everything loads fine when I do it this way. Any suggestions?


No that I run a new trace. This time to show the name:
--- onChildComplete:imageCompleteHandler


public function imageCompleteHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void


Company Logo


Why am I getting "queue" as an image it's trying to load when i have <LoaderMax name="queue"....>


The <LoaderMax> is a child of the XMLLoader. Remember, the whole LoaderMax system was built to be very modular and employs polymorphism, so LoaderMax instances can be nested inside other LoaderMax instances as deeply as you want, and they're still treated as a loader (it's just that when you load them, they're loading children and reporting on the overall progress of their children, etc.) 


If you only want to report on the ImageLoaders, you can simply put a conditional statement in your listener:

if (event.target is ImageLoader) {
    //code here

Thanks for the response.... None of your examples say to use:


If(event.target is ImageLoader){

//code here



This was driving me nuts as I'm new to using plugins for AS3.


Thanks again...

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