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loadermax crash in Chrome with FLV

andytwoods test
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Hi there,


PepperFlash is crashing when I loaded over 22 mb of FLVs with loaderMax. Proving quite hard to debug! Most likely it is something silly with my own code but just wondering if you can think of anything of the top of your head that could help.


Curiously, Adobe Scout's reporting 120MB of memory used. The increase of memory used seems much larger than the individual FLV file size. I think flash has about 1GB of memory to play with in the browser but perhaps pepperFlash is odd? I don't use loaderMax to display video, just load them. I'm fairly certain it is not decoding the vids given line 1106 in VideoLoader and my own exploration of your code though.


/** @private The video isn't decoded into memory fully until the NetStream is attached to the Video object. We only attach it when it is in the display list (thus can be seen) in order to conserve memory. **/





PS I should add that 22MB is just about all of the video that needs loading so it could be something firing 'on completion' that i need to explore.

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Sounds like a pain to debug - I know that pain well. I am not very familiar at all with "PepperFlash", but from some limited reading on the web it sounds like it's somewhat buggy, especially with media like audio/video. I'm really not sure what could be causing your app to crash - is the problem LoaderMax/VideoLoader specific? Can you load/play the video fine if you use a raw NetStream + Video object combo? That's pretty much what VideoLoader does under the hood - it just makes it a LOT easier to use and works around some bugs in Adobe's implementation. 


I'd recommend creating a separate, SUPER simple version that only loads a single video and see if you can get that to play. Then start adding functionality to that that gets closer and closer to your production file(s) until it breaks. That'll help isolate the issue. 

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I just tried DataLoader and not VideoLoader (it actually is more befitting with my objectives as I don't need VideoLoader to play video).


I didn't know you could play video from a bytearray: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553563/play-flv-from-bytearray-in-flash-player (there is a better example here: http://www.video-flash.de/index/netstream-bytearray-abspielen/).


My video now works using the above. The loading process is twice as quick too :) (I guess loading is done in parallel with pure data?).


I am sure that PepperFlash will get an upgrade shortly preventing this issue arising. Sorry though I 'jumped boat' exploring this issue (client deadline).




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