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Hide Preloader after External SWF has loaded

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I have a generic preloader swf with progress bar. After my external swf has loaded, I can still see my preloader swf. It's not completely on the top layer of the display list, but it's pretty easily visible.


Is there an easy way to completely hide the Preloader Swf once it's done loading the external swf?


Many thanks-


 var loader:SWFLoader;

 public function PreLoader() {
  loader = new SWFLoader("game.swf", {name:"mainSWF", container:this, x:50, y:100, onprogress:progressHandler, estimatedBytes:9500});

 function progressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
  progBar.scaleX = event.target.progress;

 function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {


yes, in your completeHandler just do


progBar.visible = false
//or for a nice fade out:
TweenLite.to(progBar, .5, {alpha:0});


I noticed that your onComplete isn't registered in your SWFLoader constructor. So you will need to further do this:


loader = new SWFLoader("game.swf", {name:"mainSWF", container:this, x:50, y:100, onprogress:progressHandler, onComplete:onCompleteHandler, estimatedBytes:9500});


also, since you are specifying a container in your SWFLoader you don't need to do



Thank you- so if my PreLoader has a bunch of items in it, I have to manually remove them all one at a time?


You're welcome.


if my PreLoader has a bunch of items in it, I have to manually remove them all one at a time?


No, just remove the parent that contains all the little parts.


Thanks- I had all the preloader items floating around on the stage. I suppose the correct form is to put them all in a container so they can be removed easily. That seems to work fine.


Many thanks!

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