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expandable div

shunryu111 test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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hi.. i'm trying to animate a div expanding and collapsing by animating the css height property with TweenMax


TweenMax.from(testDiv, .35, {css:{height:0}, ease:Cubic.easeOut});


this only animates the background of the div it seems.. not the text that's in it. the text is always visible. here's the div


<div id="testDiv"
 style="position: absolute; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5); width: 320px; height:260px;">


i've tried jQuery slideDown() and this works hiding and revealing both background and text content


any ideas?


i'd rather use TweenMax for this

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  • 2 months later...

I have a question about this — hopefully this thread still somewhat active —


Does an HTML element (such as DIV), have an inherent height right from the get-go? That is, if you set height to 0, and you to a tween.from(0), as in this example, it always knows the "original" height? (i.e. in Flash alpha terms, if you set a MC's alpha to 0, and then tween.from(0), you have to somehow let it know what it's tweening TO -- I know this is a simple conceptual issue transitioning from Flash, but I'm trying to get my head around the looser rules of the JS/DOM world, where one can take a few more things for granted.


UPDATE: it seems that once you set a DIV's height to '0px" you can't simply "tween.from(0px) and expect it to "know" what the original height was. In Flash you save this in a separate variable, perhaps. Is there a way using jQuery/JS to find out the 'natural' height of an element whose height you've set to 0px, or is this not possible/reasonable?

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// div with height already set to 0px
var mydiv = $('div');
// clear the forced height, so height should now be the default
mydiv.css('height', '');
// tween from 0 to the default height
TweenLite.from(mydiv, 1, { css:{ height:0 } });

This is a good way to calculate mydiv's 'current' height if you ever add/remove elements to it.


Alternatively, if you want to 'save' the original height and reuse that, then you can use data-attributes to attach the information to the div. jQuery has a very simple .data() method for this.

// create an 'originalheight' data attribute on mydiv
mydiv.data('originalheight', mydiv.height());
mydiv.css('height', 0);
// tween from current height (0) to the original height
TweenLite.to(mydiv, 1, { css:{ height:mydiv.data('originalheight') } });


Note: data attributes were introduced in HTML5, and allow you to create your own DOM attributes without it being invalid. While they aren't 'supported' in non-HTML5 browsers, they still work even if they don't validate. They are prefixed with data- e.g.

<div data-customattribute='somevalue' />

jQuery .data() leverages this, so if you have the data attribute in your original HTML, a call to .data('customattribute') will return 'somevalue'.

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