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TweenMax bug or i made a mistake?

Tiago Diaz
Moderator Tag

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello i have made an animation using TweenMax on this site:




And the menu its animated with the "animation.ui.js" file.


The menu works 100% BUT when you make us of it more than 20 times or a little less than that... The menu got bugous... Really bugous...so i need to know if it is a tweenmax bug or i am doing something really stupid...


Tnx for your time.


Hi Tiago,


I looked at your site using firebug and as far as i can see now (i didn't gave a good look to your js code) is that you're getting an event propagation problem.


What i saw is the separators display going bezerk between list and none, background position doing the same stuff between 20px 20px and 20px -20px.


Maybe you could put some console.log or alerts inside the tween to see when things are happening, in order to check if the problem is with your code or tweenmax.js. Also use the uncompressed version for development and in the final version you reference to the compressed version, in case there is a bug with tweenmax.js is going to be easier to find.


Also try using the className method instead of tweening a bunch of properties:

TweenLite.to(myElement, 1, {css:{className:"class2"}});


I hope this can help,



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I have figured it out with your help...


It was an event propagation problem...


I have remaked and removed the unbind, and done just one bind instance for hover, and it worked...


But the className did not worked for me, cause i have a 3 classes that i need to add and remove and i can´t do this like this example:


TweenLite.to(myElement, 1, {css:{className:"+=class2 class3"}});


Tnx for your time. Helped me a lot with the event propagation error!

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