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TweenMax.killAll(true) doesn't complete tweens in order

moxol test
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If I do TweenMax.kilAll(true) then TweenMax event listeners function doesn't end in order.


For example, if I have this code:

var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax();

  var tweenMax:TweenMax = new TweenMax(obj, 5, { x:200, y:200 } );
  tweenMax.addEventListener(TweenEvent.START, function():void
  tweenMax.addEventListener(TweenEvent.UPDATE, function():void
  tweenMax.addEventListener(TweenEvent.COMPLETE, function():void

  var tweenMax1:TweenMax = new TweenMax(obj, 5, { x:300, y:300 } );
  tweenMax1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.START, function():void
  tweenMax1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.UPDATE, function():void
  tweenMax1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.COMPLETE, function():void



If I do killAll(true) while tweenMax is playing then I get following order of event listneres triggered:







which means that tweenMax1 event listeners are triggered first and then tweenMax event listeners.

I thought that order of events would be:







because order of timeline appends is tweenMax and then tweenMax1.

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I have been looking at TweenMax.as code and I have found a reason for described behaviour.


Code for function TweenMax.killAll(true) is:

public static function killAll(complete:Boolean=false, tweens:Boolean=true, delayedCalls:Boolean=true, timelines:Boolean=true):void {
  var a:Array = getAllTweens(timelines),
i:int = a.length,
allTrue:Boolean = (tweens && delayedCalls && timelines),
  while (--i > -1) {
tween = a[i];
if (allTrue || (tween is SimpleTimeline) || ((isDC = (TweenLite(tween).target == TweenLite(tween).vars.onComplete)) && delayedCalls) || (tweens && !isDC)) {
 if (complete) {
 } else {
  tween._enabled(false, false);


Line 7 while (--i > -1) is iterating a:Array backwards causing tweens to be completed in reversed order from which they are added.

If I change line 3 i:int = a.length to i:int = 0 and line 7 while (--i > -1) to while (i < a.length) (and adding i++ to the end of loop) then tweens are completed in appended order and tween event listeners are triggered in appended order.


I want to know if this change is ok, will it have negative reflection on something?



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Its probably less a functional thing and more a way to eke out more performance.


For an iteration loop, you need two values; the number of iterations and a counter. In this style of 'reverse' loop you can combine these into one variable, and just countdown to 0. This saves on memory, however small, but when you're goal is extreme performance every tiny bit helps.


The other thing I would mention is that while (i < a.length) is something that is best avoided for non-trivial loops (its not going to make a difference if you are only looping a few times though). Essentially the reason is that, compared to a cached value in the loop, a.length is slower to access (the difference is getting pretty close to nothing in the latest javascript engines). In every iteration of the loop a.length is evaluated (it is a stored value of a though), which just means an extra step of looking at a for the value of length.


While it doesn't seem like much it can have an affect on low-level performance. If you want to iterate forward it's usually a good practice to cache the length, and compare i to that.


Here's a bunch of browser tests if you're interested.


I think you'll need to wait for Jack to answer on whether this really was done for performance, and what kind of side effects this change would have (if any).

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I just wrote it in a quicker way to show what change I want.

Of course I will use variable instead of a.length in while.


I am more interested in functional repercussions of that change, will it affect in any way using GSAP platform.

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Yep, Jamie is correct in saying that it was a performance thing. Frankly, I hadn't considered the need to loop forward through the array because I figured everything is being killed anyway, so I prioritized performance. But you bring up a good point about the order of completion so that's fixed in the latest version (posted a few minutes ago).

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