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Guest newdevide
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Guest newdevide

Hi, is the js greensock tool have a script similar to AutoFitArea?

I'm placing a lot of div's in html and sometimes to make it more fluid i used percentage to position them instead of pixels. Soooo, when user resize the stage (minimize it), all div's position get awkward.


By the way, just a suggestion, i think there should also be a forum where people (beginner's like me :-P ) can talk about other stuff but still related to greensock like html, php, and stuff so people can share their experience combining various scripting language with greensock (just a suggestion)

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There isn't currently a GreenSock JS tool that duplicates the functionality of AutoFitArea, no. Sorry.


Thanks for the suggestion on the forum expansion. My apprehension comes simply from the fact that Carl and I try VERY hard to provide responses to each and every post here which can take an awful lot of time (and we don't charge anything for forum access), so keeping things focused on GreenSock tools helps us ensure that users have an excellent experience here on the forums and with the GreenSock brand. If we open things up, I'd worry that users' experience would become inconsistent in terms of response time (or getting a response at all). My hope is that more and more folks will jump in and help out in the forums, but historically that hasn't proven to be very reliable. Yet. :)

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I can't speak to the immediate urgency to create something like AutoFitArea for javascript.


A major convenience of HTML over Flash is that DOM elements can automatically be told to fill the full width (or percentage) of their parent container and have their positioning set relative to parent. Throw in floats (which are arguably a pain in the neck some times) and you have a lot of the features of AutoFitArea and LiquidStage available to you right in the browser. I'm sure there are some features I'm missing, and there is always room for GreenSock to create tools that give you more convenience. We appreciate the suggestion.


As for having a more general "javascript for beginners" forum. I totally understand where you are coming from and personally could use such a resource myself. http://www.stackoverflow.com is probably the best place to go for that.


These forums have the sole purpose of offering the best support possible to the masses of GreenSock users and license holders. It takes an incredible amount of time to adequately support the needs of this community.


Unfortunately it would be detrimental to the greensock community if our attention and resources were diverted elsewhere. The free, reliable and often speedy support that we are able to provide is a major feature and benefit of the GreenSock Platform.


and now I am just realizing that Jack said the same thing


Where else do you get 2 people answering you at once? :)

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Guest newdevide

@Carl and @Greensock

Is there a way i can help? I mean, i really really like greensock, and it helped me a lot. But i don't think i can be a very reliable sources like you guys when answering any questions since i'm still in need a lot answers my self.

But i hope i can help u guys in some ways. :)

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