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Group of Tweens on Timeline

magic_77 test
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i´m stucking at the following:

i want to animate alway 2 mc as group

mc[0].y = 6 to -208

mc[1].y = 110 to -104

where mc[0] and mc[1] are already on the stage


mc[2].y to y = 6

mc[3].y to y = 110


mc[2].y to y = -208

mc[3].y to y = -104


mc[4].y to y = 6

mc[5].y to y = 110


so it should rotate continuously.


mainTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, initAnim);

private function initAnim(a:int=0):void {
 trace("a" + a)
 mainTimer.delay = 6000;
 myTimeline = new TimelineMax({
		tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:-208}),
		             new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:-104}),
			     new TweenMax(sh[a+2], 1.5, {y:6}),
		              new TweenMax(sh[a+3], 1.5, {y:110})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction});
	private function myFunction():void {

		neu = (j+2) % Math.floor(json.order_feedback.items.length / 2);
		j = neu;			



mybe someone can help me out?

thx in advance

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sorry but I really can't visualize what your code is doing.

the only thing I can suggest is maybe using tweenMax.fromTo() which allows you to set a start and end position of each tween.


based on your description I think you could pass each pair of objects into a function that returns a TimelineLite for that pair. Then append each group's timeline into a master timeline and set the timeline to repeat.

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Hi Carl,

thanks for your reply. Here you can see what i mean: http://hd-mailserver.de/main.html

my problem is that i can´t figure out how to manage this in a better way. I wanna build in two button to play

this forward and reverse.

i modified my code a little, but i doesn´t work for me the way i want.

private function setObjects() {

  ....code for setting objects on stage

 //startting anim
 mainTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, initAnim);
private function initAnim(e:TimerEvent) {
		mainTimer.delay = 6000;
		neu = (j+2) % Math.floor(json.order_feedback.items.length / 2);
		j = neu;
	function outAnim(a) {
	   myTimeline0 = new TimelineMax({
		      tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:-208}),
		              new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:-104})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction});
	function inAnim(a) {
	   myTimeline1 = new TimelineMax({
		      tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:5}),
		              new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:109})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction});
	private function myFunction():void {		}


maybe this example is some more clear - and mybe you have an idea

many thanks in advance

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thank you for posting the example swf. it made it very clear what you want to do.


take a look at what I came up with:



here is the code:


import com.greensock.*;

var numBars:int = 6;

var initY:int = 250;
var initX:int = 10;

var even:Object = {onScreen:6, offScreen:-208};
var odd:Object = {onScreen:110, offScreen:-204};

var bars:Array = [];

var currentSection:int = 0;

//0, 2, 4

var speed:Number = .5;

function createBars() {
for (var i:int = 0; i 		trace("make a bar");
	var bar:Bar = new Bar();
	bar.y = initY;
	bar.x = initX;
	bar.label_txt.text = String(i);



//start the first 2 bars where they should be

bars[0].y = even.onScreen;
bars[1].y = odd.onScreen;


function nextSection(e:MouseEvent):void{

//currentSection out
TweenLite.to(bars[currentSection], speed,  {y:even.offScreen});
TweenLite.to(bars[currentSection+1], speed,  {y:odd.offScreen});

//new section in
currentSection = (currentSection+2) % bars.length;

TweenMax.fromTo(bars[currentSection], speed,  {y:initY}, {y:even.onScreen});
TweenMax.fromTo(bars[currentSection+1], speed,  {y:initY}, {y:odd.onScreen});


next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSection);



this should give you an idea of one way to approach this.

of course nextSection could be called with a Timer.





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