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A few issues/questions regarding CustomEase Builder

adifrank test
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I just started using the CustomEase plugin. In order to create my custom easing I use the very useful Custom Ease Builder on the GreenSock website. A few issues I've run into which ultimately led to me having to reset the builder and start over building my ease:


1. From what I gather, it's only possible to add bezier points. In other words, it isn't possible to, for example, remove a bezier point. True?

2. I figure that the option of either ticking "draw curve through bezier points" or leaving it unticked is a substitution for playing around with anchor point handles. Yet the option, as I understand, affects all points. I have not found a way to set certain points as "unticked" while others as "ticked" for this option.

3. Say I created a custom ease yesterday and today I opened up my project and I want to modify that custom ease a bit. Is there a way to copy/paste the code for that custom ease and then get the interactive graph simulating the custom ease - so that I can make some small changes to it? Or optionally, could I save a CustomeEase Builder session?

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1) Sure, you can delete points. Just click on the point and press the DELETE or BACKSPACE key on your keyboard.


2) That is correct - the line either goes through the points or not. You cannot mix and match.


3) There is no way to reproduce a session right now, no. I wonder, though, what exactly you're trying to accomplish and maybe there's a better way to do it. Like maybe a simple bezier or bezierThrough tween for position. Or RoughEase (http://www.greensock.com/roughease/) or some sequenced tweens. Again, though to advise without knowing exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

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Thanks. Concerning issue #3... it's not regarding a specific ease. I was working on something today and trying out the CustomEase plugin for the first time. While creating a somewhat complex tween, it occurred to me that I must leave the browser with the Custom Ease Builder open just in case I want to modify it a bit. This got me thinking that maybe there's a way to somehow reproduce the ease in the builder at a later time, but couldn't find a way to do it.

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