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found bug on initEvent in VideoLoader

boogie test
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Hi, I think I found a bug when I try to load a video and access to the onInit event.


I made a simple test that you can copy and paste on an as file or a fla file:


import com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader;
import com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars;

// flv works ok, see example below:			
// var _url : String = "http://cdn.liverail.com/adasset/229/331/hi.flv"
// MP4 is not OK , it si doing Two onInitEvent
var _url : String = "http://streaming.openvideoads.org/shows/the-black-hole.mp4"
var videoVars : VideoLoaderVars = new VideoLoaderVars();
// videoVars.autoPlay(false);
var videoLoader : VideoLoader = new VideoLoader(_url,videoVars);

function onInitEvent(event:Event) : void {


As you can see if I use the URL that has a FLV file, the onInitEvent is fired 1 time

But if I use the URL that has a mp4 file, the onInitEvent is fired 2times !!!


I test this isue with a previous version on greensock and with the latest version (just downloaded) and I get the same result.



Any ideas?





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That's not a bug in VideoLoader - that's an issue with Flash's NetStream. You can verify it for yourself. It calls the onMetaData twice for MP4s and typically it has different data each time. Weird, I know. I thought about adding code in VideoLoader to ignore one of those but there are dangers involved with that too, so I left it as-is. It's pretty shocking how many bugs and inconsistencies there are in Adobe's NetStream implementation. VideoLoader works around the vast majority of them but this one is a bit trickier and it isn't exactly a show-stopper from what I can tell so I didn't get super aggressive with injecting code to ignore one of the events based on what type of file it is, etc.

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