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TweenMax momentum

isekream test
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I am trying to use Greensocks Tween API to tween a ball along a set of bezier points but I need it to be based on force and momentum. Thus the ball's tween completion is based on the force or momentum that ball has so the tween will animate up till the momentum/ force has been depleted


Can anyone give me some physics help on this? :?:

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Bonus “physics2D” and “physicsProps” plugins for tweening objects based on velocity, acceleration, friction, etc can be seen in the plugin explorer. Keep in mind they require a Club GreenSock Membership "really green" or higher membership: http://blog.greensock.com/club/ I'm not so sure it is meant to achieve the effect that you want as your force and friction will be directly linked to the balls position in various curves.


to do what you want is actually quite complex



If you want an object to go faster or slower based on its position in a bezier curve you may want to look into Box2D which is a very robust physics engine



I'm not even sure Box2D has what you want built in.

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