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Creating a section before the section with fixed and the scroll will not repeat to the 1st section

Louienator test
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I'm not completely sure about what you're trying to do here, maybe something like this:

See the Pen XWzRraJ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


One issue I can see in your code is this:

tl.fromTo([outerWrappers[index], innerWrappers[index]], { 
  yPercent: i => i ? -100 * dFactor : 100 * dFactor
}, { 
  yPercent: 0 
}, 0)
  .fromTo(images[index], { yPercent: 15 * dFactor }, { yPercent: 0 }, 0)
  .from( headings, {
  // HERE
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: sections,
    onEnter: function() {
      gsap.set( headings, {
        y: 140
    onLeave: function() {
      gsap.set( headings, {
        y: 140

You have a ScrollTrigger config inside a Timeline child instance, that is a logical problem as explained in our Learning Center:



Also I'm fuzzy about why you need/want a ScrollTrigger config in there since everything is being ran by the Observer Plugin.


Happy Tweening!

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