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Hi All,


I'm relatively new to GSAP and I'm encountering an issue with slide transitions in my project. When scrolling down, some slides move to the top while others only partially reveal before requiring another scroll to fully display. I'm aiming for consistent transitions between slides. Could anyone please advise on how to achieve smoother transitions using GSAP?


I attached codepen for issue. I look forward someone guide me

See the Pen xxNvOdX by OnyxJoy (@OnyxJoy) on CodePen

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3 hours ago, Onyx said:

I'm relatively new to GSAP and I'm encountering an issue with slide transitions in my project. When scrolling down, some slides move to the top while others only partially reveal before requiring another scroll to fully display. I'm aiming for consistent transitions between slides. Could anyone please advise on how to achieve smoother transitions using GSAP?

I read that a few times and I'm still a little fuzzy on what you mean. Your CodePen seems to work exactly the way I'd expect. And I don't know what you mean by "achieve smoother transitions". I don't see anything that's not smooth about them, so I must be missing something. Maybe you could provide a video recording or a further explanation? 

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20 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

I read that a few times and I'm still a little fuzzy on what you mean. Your CodePen seems to work exactly the way I'd expect. And I don't know what you mean by "achieve smoother transitions". I don't see anything that's not smooth about them, so I must be missing something. Maybe you could provide a video recording or a further explanation? 

Thank you for checking! 

When I scroll, I want section 2 to appear first. Then, as I continue scrolling down, I do not want section 3 and 4 to appear together. I only want one section to be visible at a time when scrolling up or down.  How to control it.

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