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When using MottionPathPlugin I get an error

Ilya Markin test
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Hi everyone!
I have a problem when working with the gsap plugin MottionPath. I deployed everything on local server and this is the error webpack gives when building a page



Here's my code. I made the text move on its own vector. What could be the error? I haven't found any obvious contradictions in my code that could cause it. Thank you!

gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1 }).to(chars, {
		duration: 15,
		motionPath: {
			path: '.hero-line-01',
			align: '.hero-line-01',
			alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5],
			autoRotate: true,
		ease: 'linear',
		stagger: {
			each: 0.1,
			repeat: -1,
			yoyo: false, // Движение в одну сторону
			from: 'start', // Начало с первой буквы
		immediateRender: true,


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