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ScrollTrigger scrollup issue

Yasvi test
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The animation is working fine when I scrolldown, all the twoColParallaxScrollBox appering one by one but when I scroll up so as per animation it have to show the last twoColParallaxScrollBox but it is starting animation without hiting the end point to the top of viewport and because of that it is scrolling all the twoColParallaxScrollBox and when end point hit the top of viewport than it is showing the last twoColParallaxScrollBox.
Here is Codepen: 

Sorry for styling, as I'm running out of time in a project.
Please respond Asap

See the Pen XWwQorO?editors=0010 by Yasvi-Kachhia (@Yasvi-Kachhia) on CodePen

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Sorry, I've read this a few times and looked at your code. This doesn't make much sense to me, can you be more clear about what you're trying to achieve and what the behaviour is that you do not want?

Spending a few minutes styling the demo so that it's less confusing would be great too. It will save time in the long run as it will be easier for us to understand and to help you.


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