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Support for PNPM / Bun for club members ?

Cossetteqc test
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Hey there ! 👋


Do you plan to support pnpm or bun installations soon for club members? With pnpm each time I do pnpm install it reverts back to gsap normal version (always have to do a second pnpm install to go back to the club version). And Bun doesn't install it at all.


Example for pnpm :
First install : 

+ gsap <- @gsap/business 3.12.5

+ gsap npm:@gsap/business@^3.12.5

When adding a new package :

+ gsap 3.12.5
+ npm-run-all 4.1.5

And bun:

bun install v1.1.15 (b23ba1fe)
error: GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@gsap%2fbusiness - 404
error: gsap@npm:@gsap/business@^3.12.5 failed to resolve


It's a SvelteKit app, and my .npmrc is already setup.


Thanks !

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Hi there, sorry about the frustration. I'm working on making this all easier at the moment.


It's a little tricky as I'm afraid these incongruences aren't really down to *us* not supporting bun or pnpm, they're down to how pnpm/bun handle private repositories.

We're working with the pnpm team to make this easier at the moment and to find out what they recommend, there's a thread here, they've recommended a route, asked us to tweak something and they've changed an error they were throwing to a warning. So it should be possible now using the route there. Let me know how you get on?

I'll reach out to the bun maintainers and ask how they recommend installing from a private repo


For now by far the most reliable route is to use npm, or if you're locked to pnpm or bun - to use the .tgz file instead.

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