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GSAP ScrollSmoother showing errors in the console

zoro_roronoa test
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Hey there 👋,

I am currently working on a project and tried to integrate the gsap scrollSmoother on my website, as I am not a club greensock member I installed the gsap-trial version and after registering the plugin and all when I launched my website, it crashed😭. Below is the ss of my code:


I took the stater code from the gsap official website for the scrollSmoother as you can see.

This is the error I am getting:


I would highly appreciate 🙏 if someone can point out the mistake I am making or if the problem is related to the library

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Sorry to hear about the trouble! A few comments: 

  1. You definitely should NOT be launching a site using the trial version of the bonus Club GSAP plugins. You'll get redirected. Those are only supposed to be used locally or on CodePen/Stackblitz or an IP address. Sign up at https://gsap.com/pricing 
  2. Make sure you register all the plugins you're using, including ScrollTrigger and the useGSAP hook. ScrollSmoother is built on top of ScrollTrigger, so that should be registered first.
    gsap.registerPlugin(useGSAP, ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother);


  3. Make sure you're using the latest version of everything. 

If you're still having trouble, we'll really need to see a minimal demo that clearly illustrates the problem. It's super difficult to troubleshoot blind. 🙂

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