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When swipe to the last slide of the carousel, how to stop there and only swipe reversely?

xnslx test
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Go to solution Solved by Cassie,

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Hello community,


I have a question regarding using triggerscroll plugin. I create a carousel which the user can swipe vertically, but I hope when the user reach the last slide, it stops there and can only be swiped reversely. I also hope that the carousel is NOT drag free, which means that I hope you swipe up/down the carousel, only one slide will move to the viewport. Here is the codepen, Attached the screenshot is the one that I hope it won't happen. Thank you in advance!

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 10.47.02 PM.png

See the Pen OJYQKbE?editors=0010 by xnslx (@xnslx) on CodePen

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