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Issue with scrollTriggered staggers inside timeline

Michaël Garcia test
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Go to solution Solved by Rodrigo,

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I'd like to play a specific step of my timeline depending on the section that enters the viewport.

It works great when I first scroll but as soon as I scroll back, my reverted step doesn't totally complete. My first staggered element doesn't reset.


Does anyone know what I'm missing ?

Thank you very much

See the Pen VwOyxdB by johnndoe (@johnndoe) on CodePen

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I'm o my phone now so I can't really play around with your demo. I believe the issue stems from the fact that you have a zero duration tween (which is basically a set() instance) standing at zero seconds of your timeline. That's always a tricky thing so the best approach I can think of is to add a dummy instance to the timeline before the loop in order to force the timeline play head to pass over that first set instance, something like this

tl = GSAP.timeline()



Then run the loop.


Also a different and simpler approach would be to create a timeline for each section that is controlled by Scrolltrigger instead of controlling a single timeline with two different Scrolltrigger instances, that's IMHO overcomplicating things unnecessarily.


Hopefully this helps 

Happy Tweening!

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Hi @Rodrigo

Thank you for the detailed answer.


Unless I'm missing something here I can't do a timeline for each section. Because if I scroll fast, several reveal animations will play at the same time. In my case, if I scroll fast, animations will be added to a queue before playing.


You were right: tl.set caused the issue. I've found another work around : tl.to('', {duration: 0.001})
It's working great now. 

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