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my client is telling me that whenever he uses the sidebar from safari (for bookmarks) he couldnt scroll the page anymore and gets stuck at the top. I couldnt recreate the problem myself and i never had this complainment before and this is also the first website i have ever used gsap on. I was hoping someone here knows about the problem and could maybe help me to fix it.


When im checking the console in the browser it is showing me this error that i havent seen before: [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchstart' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.


Maybe this has something to do with the problem that's occurring?


Website: https://pscaring.de/

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Hi there, thanks for your support and sorry to hear you've run into an issue. 💜


I opened this site in safari and used the bookmarks and couldn't recreate this issue at all. It's also very hard (near impossible) for us to debug live sites.  

Are you using ScrollSmoother? If so, maybe you could find out the exact steps to replicate the issue from the client, then try and see if you can replicate the issue on this codepen?

If you can we'll look into it. If not then I recommend layering in potentially problematic bits of your code until the issue surfaces so that you can give us a demo and a starting point to work from.

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On 4/11/2024 at 4:19 PM, Cassie said:

Hi there, thanks for your support and sorry to hear you've run into an issue. 💜


I opened this site in safari and used the bookmarks and couldn't recreate this issue at all. It's also very hard (near impossible) for us to debug live sites.  

Are you using ScrollSmoother? If so, maybe you could find out the exact steps to replicate the issue from the client, then try and see if you can replicate the issue on this codepen?

If you can we'll look into it. If not then I recommend layering in potentially problematic bits of your code until the issue surfaces so that you can give us a demo and a starting point to work from.

Sorry for the late response!


So im building the Website with Wordpress and i have a Theme installed. There apparently was a hidden section from the Theme where i had to change the page container from standard to full-width and now its working again. 


On another one of my pages i was using a flipbook-plugin and whenever i was hovering over the flipbook with the mouse it wouldn't let me scroll any further as well. On that page i switched to full-width in the page container section as well, but it was still not working. Only when i removed the scrollsmoother it was working again. I haven't looked deeper into this but since there wasn't much content on the page to begin with i just kept it without the scrollsmoother so far.

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Ah ok, this sounds a lot like big chunks of third party code fighting with each other.

That's usually the difficulty with dropping in different libraries that handle interaction and listen/react to scroll/wheel events.

Pretty tricky for us to debug too I'm afraid. Sorry, it sounds frustrating.

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