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Error when using gsap/shockingly with pnpm

gaggo test
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Hi there! I'm using pnpm as my package mangager. If I install gsap initially, everything works fine:


pnpm install gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly

But when I then do anything like, for example, try to install a completely unrelated package:


pnpm install @swup/route-name-plugin

I'm getting the following (fatal) error. I can't install anything anymore.

WARNPackage name mismatch found while reading {"integrity":"sha512-JoZp6iYvOC+wkwl8zfXSqSrYCcuzTntaULCL08YMa1vonrYcr9D0K3EUe9PNpw7FYK1chjSwjjgcw3zS/O2SWg==","tarball":"https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap/shockingly/-/shockingly-3.12.5.tgz"} from the store. This means that the lockfile is broken. Expected package: gsap@3.12.5. Actual package in the store by the given integrity: @gsap/shockingly@3.12.5.
 ERR_PNPM_ERR_PNPM_UNEXPECTED_PKG_CONTENT_IN_STOREThe lockfile is broken! A full installation will be performed in an attempt to fix it.
 ERR_PNPM_UNEXPECTED_PKG_CONTENT_IN_STOREPackage name mismatch found while reading {"integrity":"sha512-JoZp6iYvOC+wkwl8zfXSqSrYCcuzTntaULCL08YMa1vonrYcr9D0K3EUe9PNpw7FYK1chjSwjjgcw3zS/O2SWg==","tarball":"https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap/shockingly/-/shockingly-3.12.5.tgz"} from the store. This means that the lockfile is broken. Expected package: gsap@3.12.5. Actual package in the store by the given integrity: @gsap/shockingly@3.12.5.

When I switch to npm, the issue does not occur – but I'd really like to make use of pnpm as it saves a lot of disk resources. Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found this issue on pnpm GitHub: https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/4724. The issue looks exactly like what I'm experiencing. 

It seems like the problem does not happen with other premium packages from a custom registry.  I'm afraid I can't test this with another premium package, since GSAP is the only one I'm using. Any help would be much appreciated – until then I'm forced to continue using classic npm with all it's millions of duplicate files on my computer ;)

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Yeah, that seems like a pnpm issue so I'm not sure what to tell you, but it'd probably be a lot simpler for you to just switch to installing the tarball (.tgz) file. Download the zip from this site, open it up and take the gsap-bonus.tgz file from the "npm-install-this" folder, drop it into your project folder, and then you can simply run "npm install ./gsap-bonus.tgz" (or maybe you can replace "npm" with "pnpm" there). 

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I don‘t necessarily think this is a pnpm issue, as it seems to be working with other premium package as described in the issue.


but it‘s also no biggie. Thanks for your help and the tip with installing gsap from the zip file!

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I just noticed in an older project I'm using this in my package.json:


"gsap": "npm:@gsap/member@^3.8.0",

That project also runs on pnpm and doesn't have any issues. Maybe there actually IS something wrong with the @gsap/shockingly package?

I'd be grateful if someone from the core team could take a look at this. 

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Thanks for your suggestion @tn-nb!


Pruning the store every time I install kind of defeats the purpose of pnpm though. The store is what makes pnpm so fast.


also the other „solution“ suggested in that issue (adding `node-linker=hoisted` to the .npmrc) basically reverts one of the great features of pnpm.


for now, I went with the suggestion by @GSAP Helper and used the gsap-bonus.zip. This feels a bit un-ideal as I won‘t automatically get any bug fix releases that way, but it‘s the next best thing to just using classic npm IMO.


As I‘m paying for a greensock membership, I‘d love to hear a statement of Jack or someone else from the core team. 

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Hi @gaggo Yeah, I apologize but I don't really know what the issue could possibly be with pnpm or how to resolve it. Our private repo expert has said that yarn itself also has some bugs related to private repositories that they haven't fixed in a long time. Unfortunately we don't have control over yarn or pnpm. I really wish I had a great answer for you. 🤷‍♂️ If anyone has suggestions, we're all ears of course. 


Thanks for being a Club GSAP member! 💚

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  • 2 months later...

So gsap installation is not done via pnpm?

This is annoying because using npm or yarn would mean changing a lot of things in processes like devOps. Additionally, if you are in a large team, these processes become much more painful.

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