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pb with the display of a 3D tween

Guest lemathurin
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Guest lemathurin



I have a problem when I use a 3D tween with TweenMax and a TimeLineMax.

When I look at the preview of my tween on the adobe flash program there's no problem, however, when I look at it through Flash player (on the internet for example), the display is buging.


You can see the problem on this page : http://achaland.net16.net/, chapter "Lexique". When you turn one of the cards, there is a bug or when you roll over the arrow to turn, there is a bug too. The degree of bug depends on the computer I use, but there is still a bug. ( I have tryied with IE and Chrome)


Do you have an idea about that ? (I can give you the .fla if you want). On a forum someone spoke about an argument of the "getRelativeMatrix3D" function that can cause a similar problem but I don't know that.


Thank you for your help !



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I had a hard time seeing the "bug", but with enough clicks I did see what looked like a bit of graphics rendering tearing or something. That would certainly have nothing to do with TweenLite/Max - I'd recommend contacting Adobe about it. Carl Schooff (from snorkl.tv) has done some 3D flipping and may have some ideas for you too. Feel free to post a simple FLA that demonstrates the problem.

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I took a look at the swf and it seems like a strange flash rendering bug. It's clear the the tweens are working well.

I noticed that where ever the flip button overlaps the text, there is a doubling of the text that is constrained to a rectangular shape.

this rectangle grows when the glow effect is a applied to the flip button on roll over.


this private video illustrates the problem and an interesting glitch when you zoom in:


the video will only be seen by people clicking that link. I can take it down at any time, but figured it made things much more clear than a bunch of words.


I don't have a solution, but would suggest looking into the code and visual assets that are being used on that button.

is the artwork a transparent png? try replacing it with something else.

are you using a layer mask somewhere in the card? (they stink in general and may be even worse in 3D space)


Again, I don't think it has anything to do with TweenLite, most likely the limits of the flash player in rendering complex objects / filters in 3D space.


If you can reproduce this error in a stripped down fla that only contains a single card flipping back and forth, I would be happy to look at it.



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Guest lemathurin

Thank you very much for your replies.

I will try to solve the problem... The problem of rectangular shape on the text is due to a rectangle between the layer of the arrow and the layer of the card. It permit to disable the clic on the card for this part of it. (when we click on the arrow, only the arrow is clicked without the card).

I think that I can change this.

The major problem for me is the problem of the other cards display when we click on a card. I don't have a solution about this...


I will make a simple .fla to work on it.


Thank you for your help.



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