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Easing With Variable Problem

Guest rhysyG
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Hey Guys,


A weird one here, I want to use some different tweening functions, but I seem to get weird results when I try implement it.

There's a bit of code before this but basically this works completely fine:


TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:bottom}, {_y:mid});

TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:mid}, {_y:top});


But changing {ease:Strong.easeIn} to others like {ease:Bounce.easeIn} doesn't do anything?


When I use the tweening visualizer it has the syntax like this:

TweenLite.to(ball, 2, {y:0, ease:Elastic.easeInOut});


So the easing command after the x or y parameter.

However when I do this my animation script goes haywire!


Does anyone see anything wrong with what I'm doing?







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i don't know if this is the exact code from your file but there's a flaw in the slaw


TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:bottom}, {_y:mid});

TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:mid}, {_y:top});




this is how you would do it:


TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {_y:bottom}, {_y:mid, ease:Elastic.easeIn});
TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {_y:mid}, {_y:top, ease:Elastic.easeIn});

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Thanks for the reply Carl,


Yeah thats how I thought you would do it but every-time I do that it goes haywire!


Here's more code if you are able to solve this:

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.events.TweenEvent;

var currentMC:String = "mcHome";
var nextMC:String;
var nextNum:Number;
var currentNum:Number = 1;
var top:Number = -400;
var mid:Number = 220;
var bottom:Number = 1200;
var changeLinkVar:Number = 1;

TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], 1, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:mid}, {_y:bottom});

function shuffleMC(nextNum)
trace("currentMC" + currentMC);
trace("currentNum" + currentNum);
trace("nextMC" + nextMC);
trace("nextNum" + nextNum);

if((TweenMax.isTweening(_root[currentMC]) == false) || (TweenMax.isTweening(_root[nextMC]) == false))

	switch (nextNum) { 
	 case 1 : 
	 nextMC = "mcHome";
	 case 2 : 
	 nextMC = "mcWork";
	 case 3 : 
	 nextMC = "mcWho";
	 case 4 : 
	 nextMC = "mcContact";
	 default : 
	 trace("some other month"); 

	if(nextNum < currentNum)
		trace("slide down");
		_root[nextMC]._y = top;
		TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:bottom}, {_y:mid});
		TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:mid}, {_y:top});


	else if (nextNum > currentNum)
		trace("slide up");
		_root[nextMC]._y = bottom;
		TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:mid}, {_y:bottom});
		TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {ease:Strong.easeIn}, {_y:top}, {_y:mid});

	currentMC = nextMC;
	currentNum = nextNum;


Then on the button I have this:


navWho.onPress = function(){

_root.nextNum = 3;




So it's basically Nav like the firstborn website.


But doing this kills my code:

TweenMax.fromTo(_root[currentMC], .5, {_y:bottom}, {_y:mid, ease:Elastic.easeIn});

TweenMax.fromTo(_root[nextMC], .8, {_y:mid}, {_y:top, ease:Elastic.easeIn});

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