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Flash Tween not rendering properly in IE7

SireJoe test
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Here is my site:




It seems to run fine on every other browser, but when it is ran in IE7 the left side buttons do not function correctly. Can anyone else verify this for me, or if it may be something else I am missing? I havent seen this problem anywhere else in the forum, so I hope this is not something that has been answered already.


Thank you!

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Hi SireJoe,


I don't know what the expected behavior of the buttons is so it is hard to accurately verify if they are functioning correctly.



I can verify that when you rollover the buttons in Chrome on Mac they tend to blink rapidly when your mouse is over that little rounded corner thing in the upper left.

I imagine rolling over that object is triggering a MOUSE_OUT or ROLL_OUT on the main button.


I don't have access to IE7 so this is the best I can do with the information provided.



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I didnt see that before, thanks. I will get that fixed up too.


In IE7 the drop down menu when you go to 'services' does not work, in fact the whole button section fails all together. The drop down comes down for some reason and just stops, with no text buttons in it. The other buttons fail to work all together as well. I am not sure what is causing it. I am not sure if its my general flash coding, or if its related to Tweenmax. The rest of the main page loads, along with the scroll pane. I am at a bit of a loss atm.


Thanks for the help though.

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In general, Flash is EXTREMELY consistent across platforms and browsers. I'd be shocked if the problem you're running into has anything to do with TweenLite/Max - maybe your IE7 install has a different (older) version of the Flash Player than the other browsers you were testing? That'd be my best guess.

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Thats what I am suspecting. I havent been able to verify that just yet. IE7 is being a pain in my butt when I try to get it to go in stand alone mode on my computer. My client is who brought it to my attention, and I saw it again on another persons computer.


If it is a flash issue, I guess I can just change the required flash version within my HTML for them to install the latest version.

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