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iPhone or Android firefox laggy scaleY animation

MarkoM test
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Go to solution Solved by mvaneijgen,

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Hi good people,

I have spend lots of time searching, and trying to figure this one out by googling and fixing my code with various patches but I can't seem to fix the issue.
I have a portfolio website that I am building in nextJS:


The problem I am having is that on every iPhone I tried my website on, as soon as I get to the "vertical timeline" part under the hero section, website starts lagging and stuttering hard.
The same sometimes happens on firefox on Android (I have s22 ultra).

I have tried several fixes and the last one I tried is adding a slight rotation to the animation. I have read it on another post that it might resolve the issue but it didn't.
I also tried removing everything from the DOM except the line that has scaleY.
Line does NOT have any shadow or anything and also it does have will-change in CSS.

I know you GSAP pros are asking for minimal demo and such, but I was perhaps hoping that showing a component where gsap is invoked with the website being live, you could see what is going on.


import React, { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { ExperienceType } from "~/types";
import { gsap } from "gsap";
import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger";


interface ExperienceProps {
  data: ExperienceType[];

const VerticalTimeline = ({ data }: ExperienceProps) => {
  const lineRef = useRef(null);
  const horizontalLine = useRef(null);
  const timelineRef = useRef(null);

  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const ctx = gsap.context(() => {
      const tl = gsap.timeline({
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: timelineRef.current,
          start: "100 60%",
          end: "bottom 60%",
          scrub: 2,

      tl.to(lineRef.current, {
        duration: 2,
        scaleY: 1,
        rotate: 0.1,
        ease: "none",
        transformOrigin: "top",

      gsap.set(".timeline-entry", { opacity: 0 });
      const timelineBoxes = gsap.utils.toArray(".timeline-entry") as Element[];
      timelineBoxes.forEach((timelineBox) => {
        gsap.to(timelineBox, {
          opacity: 1,
          scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: timelineBox,
            start: "100 60%",
            toggleActions: "play resume none none",
    }, timelineRef);
    return () => ctx.revert();
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="timeline-section">
      <div className="timeline-container" ref={timelineRef}>
        <div className="guide-line" />
        <div className="thin-line" ref={lineRef} />
        {data.map((item, index: React.Key | null | undefined) => (
          <div key={index} className={`timeline-entry`}>
            <div className="cube_wrapper">
              <div className="box">
                <div className={`cube ${item.company}`}>
                  <div className="front" />
                  <div className="back" />
                  <div className="right" />
                  <div className="left" />
                  <div className="top" />
                  <div className="bottom" />
            <div className="text-box">
              <p className="date">{item.timeframe}</p>
              <p className="skill_description">{item.description}</p>
              <div className="skills_used">
                {item.skills.split(", ").map((skill, i) => (
                  <span key={i}>{skill}</span>
        <div className="horizontal-line" ref={horizontalLine} />

export default React.memo(VerticalTimeline);

Any help would be much apperciated, as I am struggling with this one for quite a while now.

Thanks GSAP-ers :)

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Hi @MarkoM welcome to the forum!


Yep, a minimal demo is going to be needed here. The issue with live websites is that we can't edit the code, so there is no way to debug. When creating a minimal demo, you'll probably fix your own issue.


My advice would be disable big chunks of your code base and then test it on the problematic devices, keep doing this and keep narrowing down the chunks in smaller pieces until you've found what is causing the issue. And if you've found it and can't solve it it will be trivial to create a minimal demo from it. 


There are certain properties you're better of not animating, such as left, right, top, bottom, height, width, margin, padding and also watch out for the transition property in CSS! 


The mouse follow effect also lags on macOS Safari, check out https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.quickSetter(), which animates the x and y position instead of left and top, which will be much more performant!


Hope it helps en veel geluk!

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  • Solution

Your background gradient with blur is causing the issue. As soon as I remove that, it seems fixed. This seems thus not to be a GSAP issue, but just Safari being Safari, maybe remove that css effect for those devices. 


Hoop dat het helpt en veel geluk verder!



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