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Animating ellipses inside SVG, the bounding box is visible

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Go to solution Solved by Rodrigo,

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I have an svg with 2 ellipses that I want to animate using React to be used as a page background; I'm using a simple timeline to animate the background color of the containing div, the coordinates of the 2 ellipses and their filters definitions, transitioning between 3 states.


you can see a demo here (sorry I couldn't reproduce it on Codepen):



The issue is that while tweening, the bounding box of the ellipses become visible (a big vertical rectangle on the right), ruining the visual effect :(


Please do you have any ideas how to fix it?


  • Solution



Sorry about the issues but I have almost no experience with SVG filters so I have no idea what could be the issue here.


Just to clarify a few things, when you say that you couldn't reproduce this on codepen as it only happens on React and not in VanillaJS? That would be super weird.


The only thing I can think of is using the Attribute Plugin to tween the values of the filters and lucky me it seems to work:

  .to(containerRef.current, {
  backgroundColor: backgrounds[index].backgroundColor,
    attr: {
      cx: backgrounds[index].ellipseA.cx,
      cy: backgrounds[index].ellipseA.cy,
      rx: backgrounds[index].ellipseA.rx,
      ry: backgrounds[index].ellipseA.ry,
      fill: backgrounds[index].ellipseA.fill,
    // onUpdate: () => console.log('ellipseA update!')
    attr: {
      cx: backgrounds[index].ellipseB.cx,
      cy: backgrounds[index].ellipseB.cy,
      rx: backgrounds[index].ellipseB.rx,
      ry: backgrounds[index].ellipseB.ry,
      fill: backgrounds[index].ellipseB.fill,
    attr: {
      x: backgrounds[index].filterA.x,
      y: backgrounds[index].filterA.y,
      width: backgrounds[index].filterA.width,
      height: backgrounds[index].filterA.height,
    attr: {
      x: backgrounds[index].filterB.x,
      y: backgrounds[index].filterB.y,
      width: backgrounds[index].filterB.width,
      height: backgrounds[index].filterB.height,



Here is a fork of your sandbox, I changed the duration to make it faster and moved the repetitive configs to the defaults object in the Timeline constructor:



Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

  • Like 1

Hi @Rodrigo

thank you so much, now it works very smoothly!!!

About the Codepen, I was in a hurry so using Codesandbox was faster since I just copy/pasted the code, and I didn't tried with vanilla js.


Again, thank you!!

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