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Checking for download speed and changing stuff?

Nickbee test
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I'm working on a rotating video header. The idea is that videos will be the priority unless they take too long to download. If so that "profile" will be switched to a low speed profile that loads images instead.


I have the logic working, but I want to be sure I'm checking the speed the best way possible.


If a video is not loaded a loaderBar is displayed. At the same time the progress handler is checking the time left to download. If that time goes above a certain number (_maxVideoLoadTime) it kicks things over to a lowSpeed profile....


private function videoLoadingBarProgressHandler(evt:LoaderEvent):void
		var pcent:Number = Math.ceil((evt.target.progress)*100);
		_preLoader.progress_mc.scaleX = pcent/100;
		_preLoader.text_txt.text = pcent + "%";

		//calculate time left
		if(evt.target.progress != 0)
			var SecondsLeft:uint = Math.ceil(((1 / evt.target.progress) - 1) * evt.target.loadTime);
			var string:String = new String(SecondsLeft);
			timeLeft.text = "secLeft: " + string;

			if (SecondsLeft > _maxVideoLoadTime)
				trace("*********** SWITCH TO LOW SPEED ****************");


Suggestions would be great if this is not the best way to accomplish this.



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OK, now that I've tested this at home I see there's a flaw to my logic.


Even though a video might download in less than 6 seconds there is that initial period where the seconds left might be very high (until things get moving after the 1st bit of downloading).


So what if i changed

if(evt.target.progress != 0)


to something like

if(evt.target.progress > .10)


then my script to switch to the slow speed profile wont start working until 10% of the file is downloading and things are moving.


BTW, I am using estimatedBytes in these loaders.


Thanks for any feedback!

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