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Animating an SVG pattern that is filled with another pattern.

Elicrespo test
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Hey guys,


I have defined a rect pattern made of 6 squares x 6 squares, so 36 making a bigger square. 

Then, I filled other patterns with the same #pattern-1 and placed them to stack on top of each other. 


Then I used GSAP to stagger animate the little squares by targeting the rects inside the #pattern-1. Now all the patterns animate at the same time. 


What I want to do is delay every other pattern, so the even or the odd ones delayed by a little so they start at different times. I'm having a hard time targeting or selecting the different instances odd or even siblings to animate them separately??


Take a look at at the codepen. Also here is the live page: https://photo-spread-gsap-flip.webflow.io/stfall


Also, here is the read only Webflow session link if it helps: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/photo-spread-gsap-flip?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=photo-spread-gsap-flip&preview=3c379c22c75a1399b4b82b1d5fd5bc97&pageId=64dfa480e1ce496bdd07bc8f&workflow=preview



Thank you

See the Pen NWeWrJq by elicrespo (@elicrespo) on CodePen

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Hey there, thanks for supporting us by getting a membership, hope you're enjoying the tools.


I've added a working demo here -

See the Pen abPbYdm?editors=1010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

At the moment all the blocks animate together, are you trying to target 'green blocks' so that the pattern they're using animate at different times? If so you can't - that's an SVG limitation I'm afraid. If you animate the elements in that pattern it updates everywhere.


If that's not what you're trying to do, could you possible rephrase this? 



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