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problems with images in circle slider (motion path plugin)

shadysw test
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so i made something like circular slider using motion path plugin and i ran into several problems with images:

  1. when I reach the end of the slider (the last picture) the cursor pointer disappears
  2.  again when the slider reaches the end some of the images sometimes do not animate smoothly

I can assume that this is because of the styles that I prescribed to the pictures, because I do not quite understand how to do it right. when i just add img tag and set the width  all pictures are no longer aligned along the way. so i came up with padding-bottom on the image wrapper, but it seems to be not a good idea because of the above problems. 

maybe someone can explain why just setting image width breaks all alignment in motion path, and how to deal with it?

See the Pen QWzLMgM by vyazemskaya (@vyazemskaya) on CodePen

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5 hours ago, shadysw said:
  1. when I reach the end of the slider (the last picture) the cursor pointer disappears

I'm having a difficult time understanding how to replicate or what exactly the "last picture" means because it's a big loop, right? You'll have a much  better chance of getting help if you just simplify things and use colored <div> elements maybe and label the last one "last" with text visually, so it's super easy to see exactly what you're talking about. 


5 hours ago, shadysw said:

 again when the slider reaches the end some of the images sometimes do not animate smoothly

Again, I'm a bit lost - what does "not animate smoothly" mean? Super jerky? Jumping to a particular spot? Can you please tell us the exact steps we need to follow to replicate the problem? 


5 hours ago, shadysw said:

maybe someone can explain why just setting image width breaks all alignment in motion path, and how to deal with it?

I can't imagine why setting a width explicitly would mess anything up on a motion path. Can you isolate that issue please in a CodePen? You currently have a lot going on in there - the simpler you can make things the more likely you'll get a prompt answer. 

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