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Timeline delaying with no delay call

3.0 Ronin test
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Hello! First of all, I love greensock, absolutely love it, so thank you for sharing with the world.


Now, I have a movie that uses many different timelines (4 so far). All these timelines have their own unique name, naturally.


One of the timelines is a rotation of image transitions that appear in a gallery. It is on an independent timeline but doesn't seem to start until 5-6 seconds after the movie starts, whereas it should be starting immediately. It also pauses way too long on the loop. I have noticed that the animation in this gallery timeline begins at the same spot relative to the other animations having. Even the loop waits until this strange time-spot is hit in one of the other timelines, and then begins playing.


Can anyone provide some advice? I'm willing to answer any questions or display my code (running 347 lines now, so maybe its entirety cannot be reasonably displayed).


Thank for any help!


-3.0 Ronin

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unfortunately I don't have any idea what a common problem might be that would cause this.

If the issue still remains after stripping out or pausing the non-troublesome timelines, perhaps posting the code to the funky timeline will help us assist you.

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Now, I have a movie that uses many different timelines (4 so far). All these timelines have their own unique name, naturally.

When you say "timelines", do you mean MovieClip timelines or TimelineLite/Max instances?


By the way, I know you mentioned you've got 300+ lines of code thus far - when you get stuck like this on something that looks like it's acting really funky, I'd recommend getting in the habit of creating a separate "bare bones" FLA where you try to recreate the issue. Start simple and build up until it breaks. You'd be surprised how often this reveals logic problems in your code. When you try to troubleshoot code that's embedded in a huge project with lots of other moving parts, it can be tough to identify exactly how things are interacting.


As Carl said, it'd be super if you could post a file for us to peek at (the simpler the better of course).

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