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GSAP SplitText - break issue

pixelarchitect test
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I am using ScrollTrigger and SplitText to animate lines of text when they enter the viewport, this works great but in some cases (mobile most often) the line breaks are weird. I can imagine this happens when you drag the window yourself smaller because the breaks are already added but this also (sometimes) happens when you load the website without dragging the window smaller or bigger.

I also added a screenshot as an example of what happens, does somebody know what happens or know a solution?


See the Pen poQoooV by pixelarchitect (@pixelarchitect) on CodePen

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I know this has been a year since the question has been asked but I am having the same issue once splitText puts each character in a div. I know @Cassie you say it is usually due to custom fonts being loaded after splitText has run but I don't believe that to be the case for me. 


Question - couldn't I test this theory by commenting out the custom font I have on the splitText element? If it doesn't work on the system fonts than I can rule out the issue being the custom font?


I also tried using text-wrap: no-wrap, white-space: no-wrap, box-sizing, and the revert() function. Nothing seems to work. Do we know of another solution? I am wondering how others are getting around this using splitText when the container resizes. 


Thank you!!

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That's just in case you need to access the font faces loaded. In the case of getting weird behaviours when using SplitText with custom fonts, is basically a way to know that the fonts have been loaded and applied in the DOM before creating the SplitText instances, nothing more. Most of the time you just need something like this:

document.fonts.ready.then(() => {
  // Create your SplitText and GSAP related instances here

Based on the video you supply you might want to revert your SplitText instances and create them again on the resize event. Maybe debounce the resize handler for better performance.


Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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Hi @Rodrigo I added that code around my splitText and GSAP instances and nothing happens. I already have the following code wrapped around all my GSAP code: 

// wait until DOM is ready
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {

  console.log("DOM loaded");

  //wait until images, links, fonts, stylesheets, and js is loaded
  window.addEventListener("load", function (e) {


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