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GSAP Expert for consulting & small tasks

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We are actively searching for a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional with expertise in GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) to join our team on an ad-hoc basis. The ideal candidate will commence their engagement with us starting in early June. Expect 1-5 hours per week on average.

As a GSAP Specialist/Guru, your main role will be to mentor, guide, and consult other developers with a base or average knowledge of GSAP. In addition, you will be responsible for developing and implementing high-quality animations and interactive experiences using the GreenSock Animation Platform.

Your expertise will enhance the user experience and engagement across our WordPress platform. You will work closely with our design and development teams to bring ideas to life, ensuring smooth and visually stunning animations.

Please read more here:

Write [email protected] if this ad-hoc job seems interesting for you. 

Thanks in advance! 

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