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VideoLoaders inside LoaderMax queue never completing

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I have a spec ad that uses a series of local video files; I opened it up with the goal of converting it to use a LoaderMax queue with a bunch of VideoLoaders in case I want to throw it online somewhere and have it actually work, but I can't get it to move past loading.

It's very similar to what was happening in this thread and then fixed here; maybe LoaderMax is failing in a similar manner?


The queue appears to be loading only the first two videos (according to the progress dispatches), but there are no complete events being dispatched from either the queue or the individual VideoLoaders.

I also tried onChildComplete via the queue without any effect.


Stripped down sample files published for FP9 from Flash CS3

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I wonder if you have a stale version of VideoLoader cached in your ASO files or something - I have tried about 10 times publishing your files and they work perfectly every time. I can't break it. I've tried it locally and online. Zero problems. Could you help me understand how to see the problem you're describing? Also, please try deleting your ASO files from the Flash IDE and republishing.

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My project's a bit big and I don't have time to post it, nor do you want to waste time going through it. But here's some information on what I experienced with my "VideoLoader not firing a complete event" problem.


By rolling back from your latest class to an older swc dated Oct 24 fixed my problem.


Btw, love all your code.


Using latest version, tried both the swc, and the class files - 1.741 for LoaderMax

-instantiated a LoaderMax instance, appended videoLoaders to it :

introLoader = new VideoLoader(myPath,{container:vidHolder,visible:true,bgColor:0x000000,






I added the videoPaused thing in there to see if I could work around any possible bugs with autoplay.

Essentially, I want to start loading these videos, then when the ui is ready to show the video, begin playing upon user interaction.


When I just had autoPlay:false and started it later with playVideo(), the introComplete never seemed to fire.


So now I have other videos that happen in sequence, and others down the line don't receive the onComplete event, even though they use the same code as this first one. So without that complete event, the videos would never play, despite the playVideo() call.


Sorry for the cryptic explanation. All I know is that rolling the code back to a swc I had from Oct 24 seems to have fixed this problem.

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Hm. Well, is there any chance you could just create the simplest example in a separate FLA that demonstrates the issue and post it here? It's beyond frustrating to want to identify the issue so badly without being able to see it at all. Pretty please? Again, I don't need your production files.


The problem with just reverting to the old version is that another bug in Adobe's NetStream class behavior was discovered since then that can (in some specific situations) cause a video to completely lose its audio if things aren't called in a very particular order. The higher your frame rate, the more likely it is that you'll experience the problem (and only when you pause a NetStream before the first frame of the video fully renders to the screen). I'm working hard to make sure LoaderMax works around all of these bugs/inconsistencies in the built-in classes like NetStream so that you never have to worry about them, but they can be tricky. So if you could post even the most basic example that demonstrates the issue, that would be AMAZINGLY helpful.

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Just tried deleting the ASO files; no change :(


On my end, all I see is the second video play without sound and the output window display vidQueue.rawProgress going from 0.25 to 0.5.

If it was working correctly, I should be seeing no video at all, and 4 traces of "video loaded" and then "all videos loaded" at the end; is that what you're getting?


What version of the Flash IDE are you using? Could this be specific to CS3?

We're supposed to be upgrading to CS5 eventually, but I don't know when it's going to happen.

Unless I'm doing it wrong, CS3 doesn't seem to be able to use the swc file, either.

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On my end, all I see is the second video play without sound and the output window display vidQueue.rawProgress going from 0.25 to 0.5.

If it was working correctly, I should be seeing no video at all, and 4 traces of "video loaded" and then "all videos loaded" at the end; is that what you're getting?

I see all of the videos loading, and the trace() that confirms it. Progress goes all the way to 1. Zero problems.


What version of the Flash IDE are you using? Could this be specific to CS3?

We're supposed to be upgrading to CS5 eventually, but I don't know when it's going to happen.

Unless I'm doing it wrong, CS3 doesn't seem to be able to use the swc file, either.

I'm using CS5, yes. Unfortunately I don't have CS3 to test this on. Would you just quadruple-check and make sure you download the latest version of LoaderMax again, eradicate all old versions (well, maybe keep an archived copy on a separate drive or something) and then try again? Maybe even trace(LoaderMax.version) and make sure it reads at least 1.75?


Is anyone else able to reproduce the problem?

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Would you just quadruple-check and make sure you download the latest version of LoaderMax again, eradicate all old versions (well, maybe keep an archived copy on a separate drive or something) and then try again? Maybe even trace(LoaderMax.version) and make sure it reads at least 1.75?


Done and done... still not working :(

Tried it on two other computers here (both have CS3) and got the same thing.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I'll try installing a trial of CS5 on my home computer tonight and see if that has any effect.

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Aha! I believe I tracked down the issue and a workaround. It is indeed yet another bug in Flash (ugh) - if you publish in CS3 or CS4, apparently the "NetStream.Buffer.Full" NetStream event doesn't get dispatched reliably and Flash has trouble if you seek() before about 50 milliseconds after the video finishes buffering (even if it's COMPLETELY loaded!). Baffling. But I believe the workarounds I implemented in version 1.76 have fixed the issue even when you publish with CS3 or CS4. Would you mind downloading the latest version and giving it a shot? I'd love to hear if it works for you. According to all my tests, things work reliably now.

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