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create svg with animation

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Hi everyone, 

we need to create this svg with animation, can someone help out?


Hi @kostasXanthakos and welcome to the GreenSock forums!


Right now you're only giving access to a single SVG file where there is no animation whatsoever and on top of that you're not providing an example of what you intend to achieve.


You'll improve the chances of getting the help you need by being as specific as you can about the effect you want, so developers looking into this thread get a good grasp of your requirements.


Good luck with your project!

Happy Tweening!

9 minutes ago, Rodrigo said:

Hi @kostasXanthakos and welcome to the GreenSock forums!


Right now you're only giving access to a single SVG file where there is no animation whatsoever and on top of that you're not providing an example of what you intend to achieve.


You'll improve the chances of getting the help you need by being as specific as you can about the effect you want, so developers looking into this thread get a good grasp of your requirements.


Good luck with your project!

Happy Tweening!

You are right

I will come back with details.


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