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TimeLineLite sequencing functions via loop [SOLVED]

swiftmend test
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I'm building an application that is going to require a large amount of variables passed to it, roughly 70-80 tweens per part of the "game" over a minute or two.


I'd obviously like to not have to hand code in each tween as they will vary depending the games level.


What i'm trying to build is a timelinlite function that takes an array of Strings and spits it into functions to fire at a set time, baically one each second after each other.


this is what I've got:


What it should be doing is adding a tween that calls the function Step with the array data sequentially. so it should be basically calling


timeline.append(TweenLite.to(this, 1, {onComplete: Step, onCompleteParams: ["L"] }))

timeline.append(TweenLite.to(this, 1, {onComplete: Step, onCompleteParams: ["R"] }))



However it's just throwing an error, am I misusing this function?


private var Steps:Array;  
private var timeline:TimelineMax;  

public function DancePlay(SongName:String)
		switch (SongName)
			case "Goldfish":
				Steps = new Array("L", "R", "L", "L", "R")

				var i:int = 0
				while (i < Steps.length) {
					timeline.append(TweenLite.to(this, 1, {onComplete: Step, onCompleteParams: [steps[i]] }))

			case "OtherSongs":
//Will have a different array depending on song



	public function Step(DanceStep:String):void
		switch (DanceStep)
			case "L":
				//Plays this step
			case "LTC":
//Plays this step
			case "LT":
//Plays this step


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Sorry for wasting your time,


Of course I did, haha, sorry.


Still so amazed at what can be done with this stuff, happy to be a paying customer of this code backed by excellent support!


Ah well, at least the code on how to do this stuff adds to the forums search engine. :)

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