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Multiple sites stopped working

Niels k. test
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I've got multiple websites were some of the animations stopped working. 

https://pro-shift.nl/ (menu, actueel ) 

https://dev.oude-hengel.nl/public_html/ (everything)


errors in the console:
ScrollTrigger.min.js:10 Requires GSAP 3.11.0 or later

Ge.addEventListener is not a function


Has there been a update that i've missed, this worked until a view days ago.




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Hi there Niels,


You're linking to a ScrollTrigger file that's hosted on codepen.


That file is a beta - it contains new features and is always being updated  - it's purely for use on codepen, not for production builds.

You should grab a stable version from a CDN - https://cdnjs.com/libraries/gsap


Hope this helps!

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