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change the color of the tween inside the Glowfilter

matthy test
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when i make a tween i use this:


colorTween = new TweenMax(this, 0.35, { glowFilter: { color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:20, blurY:20, strength:3, quality:3 }, overwrite:2, repeat:1, yoyo:true } );


and then i start the tween when triggert by using:colorTween.restart();


now because the tween should change in different colors i have a staticfunction that returns a color

var tweenColor:String = StaticFunctions.returnColor(color);


now what i want is to change the color inside the glowfilter i tried

colorTween.glowFilter.color = tweenClolor;


but with no succes

any ideas?




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Once the tween initializes, its start/end values are locked in but if you change them and want to force the tween to reinstantiate (re-record the start/end values), all you need to do is invalidate() the tween. That'll force it to look at the vars object again and re-record start/end values.

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no the first problem i get in to is that i can't find the place to change it.


but actualy the real problem lies here:

if I make a instance of a tweenMax and its in a function so:


public function makeTween()


colorTween = new TweenMax(this, 0.35, { glowFilter: { color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:20, blurY:20, strength:3, quality:3 }, overwrite:2, repeat:1, yoyo:true } );



and i call makeTween while colortween is still tweening so between 0.7 second (x2 because of yoyo).

The old tween will hang. and therefore the white light wont go away.

I tried things like kill and restart but without any succes.


if you know a awnser to this problem most of my issues are solved :)









this seems to work but why i dont know :mrgreen: is this the rigth way??


           if (colorTween)
           var tweenColor = StaticFunctions.returnColor(kleur);
           colorTween = new TweenMax(this, 0.35, { glowFilter: { color:tweenColor, alpha:1, blurX:20, blurY:20, strength:3, quality:3 }, overwrite:2, repeat:1, yoyo:true } );

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