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Feature request: smart cacheAsBitmap un/re-setter

BartMM test
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I'd like to put in a request to have a feature that will set and unset the DisplayObject.cacheAsBitmap for the DisplayObject's you're tweening, to optimize renderng speeds.


DisplayObject.cacheAsBitmap works great for speeding up rendering of non-changing complex objects, but if you're tweening properties other then DisplayObject.x or DisplayObject.y it will actually make stuff slower (since besides re-rendering the object it's also updating the cache). This can have a very significant impact on overall performance.


Currently we unset cacheAsBitmap when tweening starts, and set it again in an onComplete handler, but we're doing this so much its getting a bit silly. So maybe it would be usefull if TweenMax has a feature that would do this for us. The ultimate version would check if cacheAsBitmap was enabled, check if your tweening a property that invalidates the cache, then it can disable caching, do the tween and afterwards restore the property.


Im not sure how this would be implemented in a user-friendly way, maybe it's a global config, or maybe only a extra tweeining property (like 'autoBitmapCache:true' or a nice optional plugin.





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How about a simple CacheAsBitmapPlugin that allows you to define what the cacheAsBitmap should be during the tween, like:


TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:100, cacheAsBitmap:true});


I've attached the plugin I whipped together. When the tween is done, it'll set the cacheAsBitmap back to whatever it was before the tween began. Cool? You like?

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  • 4 weeks later...
How about a simple CacheAsBitmapPlugin that allows you to define what the cacheAsBitmap should be during the tween, like:
TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:100, cacheAsBitmap:true});

When the tween is done, it'll set the cacheAsBitmap back to whatever it was before the tween began.


Hi Jack, this sounds great. Is this available for the AS2 version? I downloaded the latest and did not see a "CacheAsBitmapPlugin.as" in the AS2 plugins folder, it would be great to have in the AS2 version also. I also could not find this feature in the online/offline docs, perhaps I just overlooked it?



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