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Looking for a PixiJS + GSAP Pro for creation of animations

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My company is working on a project that allows users to create several dedicated elements on a HTML5 Canvas and to choose an animation out of a library.

We want to expand our library of animations.


Usually there would be around 3-4 elements per canvas.
The elements would be: Text, image, video.

The animation in most cases would be: movement, appearance (fade in, fade out).

(We have ready concepts but those would be shared privately if possible)


Technical Requirements:

  • PixiJS (we use this library for the canvas)
  • GSAP (animation library)
  • Javascript
  • Angular (advantage if you're familiar with Angular)



We are flexible with the compensation plan - we can pay per hour or per animation.
I believe we can agree on a compensation that would fit your will.


Regarding times:

We would like to start as soon as possible.



Feel free to pm me for more details.

Thanks :)


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