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Help: Is this possible with GSAP?

brtweed test
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I'm not a front-end developer so apologies in advance. 


I just want to know if the following is possible using GSAP : is it possible to have a full screen vertically scrolling gallery in the middle of a normal flowing webpage? So, user scrolls normally until they reach the gallery, then each slide would change on scroll until the last slide (slides using this effect: http://www.playersparis.tv/), then the page would scroll as normal to the footer.

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2 hours ago, brtweed said:

Why can't a see the white section after the slides?

I answered that exact question in this thread earlier today:


2 hours ago, brtweed said:

what makes the slide snap to the top of the screen on scroll?

That would be the ScrollTrigger with the snap on it. It is currently applied to the entire scroller, not just your sections that you want to snap. So you'll have to adjust the demo to get it working the way that you want it to. I highly recommend spending more time playing with ScrollTrigger and looking through the docs and demos :) 

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