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LinePath2D distribute vs. progress

Chris7777 test
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Just a quick question that we are trying to workout based on the documentation. Does the distribute function handle 0 & 1 differently than the progress function?

I am finding that path.distribute(mcArray, 0, 1) works as expected. mcArray[0] at the start, mcArray[1] at the middle, and mcArray[2] at the end.


But the minute I tween the paths property progress to say 1, two of the mc's overlap.


Please see the stripped down version of the documentation code below:

Note that the array contains 3 mc's, but 2 are overlapped. I also tried the documentation version (the 30 blue squares with the 1 red square) and found that is i changed the alpha of the blue cubes to, say 0.5, you can clearly see that two are overlapped.


Any help would be great, thanks.


import com.greensock.*;

import com.greensock.motionPaths.*;

import com.greensock.easing.*;


var path:LinePath2D = new LinePath2D([new Point(20, 20), new Point(300, 300)]);



var a:Array = [createSquare(), createSquare(), createSquare()];

path.distribute(a, 0, 1);


TweenMax.to(path, 5, {progress:1, ease:Linear.easeNone});


function createSquare():Shape {

var s:Shape = new Shape();

s.graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 1);

s.graphics.drawRect(-10, -10, 20, 20);

s.alpha = 0.5;



return s;


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This is just a logic issue - you don't want your stuff distributed from 0 to 1 otherwise you'll get the overlap. Instead, you should figure out how much of a gap you'll need between each and adjust accordingly, like:


var gap:Number = 1 / (a.length + 1);
path.distribute(a, 0, 1 - gap);

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