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LoaderMax Beta: max connections

doodledude test
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Hi Jack,

in your [beta] example i can increase the number of connections via the numberstepper component, lets say 5.

loadermax does indeed start 5 connections, and i can see the loaders become active, however only 2 files will actually download concurrently.

is this correct? are you seeing otherwise?


admittedly i've not tested loadermax running from a sever yet, just your example from the flash IDE.

i'm on windows, so testing in the flash IDE uses internet explorer(8) as its net service (or at least that's where loaded files get cached)


this has also been the case with other loading schema i've used previously.

I suspect that either the flash player has a 2 concurrent file download limit or else it may be set by either the browser or operating system!

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this has also been the case with other loading schema i've used previously.

I suspect that either the flash player has a 2 concurrent file download limit or else it may be set by either the browser or operating system!


Yep, I believe you're exactly right about that. I noticed the player limiting things to 2 downloads at a time as well - it's not a LoaderMax issue though (as far as I can tell at least).

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so what about connection limits in general?

I know that when you run the .swf in Firefox the default is 15 connections per server and 30 in total.

What about Flash as .AIR? same limites apply? Flash in the standalone player?

What happens when I try to open 50 images at the same time with URLRequest vs. the way Loadermax is dealing with this connection overload?

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Yeah, I believe Flash imposes some limitations too, but to know exactly how many you'd need to contact Adobe (it may be different based on what version of AIR or the Flash Player, etc.) Just curious, though - why do you need to know? What difference will it make in your project? Keep in mind that LoaderMax uses standard Adobe classes like Loader, URLLoader, URLStream, etc. internally and works around various bugs/inconsistencies and adds extra features but it doesn't (and cannot) circumvent limitations that the Player imposes.

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