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Set the length of a timeline for timelinemax?

jguthrie test
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I need to have animations that stay in sync with a video that is playing. Can i set the duration of my TimelineMax animation to be the length of the video? (Then simply set delays in secs on each animation when i want it to occur?) I can achieve this effect by adding a few dummy tweens at the end of my animations but this seems kinda hackish.

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The duration and totalDuration properties will always reflect the TimelineLite/Max's contents (the tweens it contains). So you cannot, for example, have a TimelineLite with a duration of 10 seconds even though it only contains 1 tween that's 2 seconds long. Well, unless that tween's timeScale is 5 :) But you can technically set a TimelineLite/Max's duration or totalDuration property, but doing so will simply adjust its timeScale so that it takes that long to run. For example, if a TimelineLite's totalDuration is 2 and I manually set its totalDuration to 10, it will just force its timeScale to be 5 (its totalDuration will still report as being 2).

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